There are several herbs and natural green ingredients that we use in our daily cooking which offer us much more than just taste and flavor. However, at the time of using these ingredients, we are often not aware of their health benefits. Ajmod is one such green ingredient that does much more than just add flavor to our food. Also known as celery in English and as Apium graveolens in the scientific world, ajmod in its green version as well as the seeds of ajmod offers several health benefits. Let us take a look at the benefits of ajmod.
7 Useful Health Benefits of Ajmod or Apium Graveolens
Ajmod or Apium graveolens has multiple health benefits for the human body.(1)
Weight Loss Benefits of Ajmod:
Ajmod in all its versions is packed with nutrients but happens to be really low in its calorie content. This is exactly why it is considered to be an elemental item to be included in any weight loss regime. Include juices and smoothies made out of celery leaves and stems to gain a nutrient-packed menu for your weight loss program.(2)
Health Benefits of Apium graveolens for Controlling High Blood Pressure:
Clinical research has proven the fact that ajmod can help to reduce high blood pressure. If you are suffering from the problem of high blood pressure drink celery juice at least once a day. It will surely work great with your blood pressure control meds, to bring down your blood pressure levels in the due course of time.(2, 3)
Ajmod is Beneficial in Reducing Cholesterol:
Juice of ajmod or any other form of the extract is also beneficial for your cholesterol levels. Research into the domain has proven the fact that intake of Trachyspermum roxburghiamum over time can be helpful to reduce your bad cholesterol or LDL. An animal study in 2015 has found that when rats were supplied with luteolin, an active antioxidant present in ajmod, they showed less cardiovascular remodeling as compared to those who did not receive it proving the fact that it has the ability to disable free radicals and limit cardiac damage.(4) This along with reducing your blood pressure level can improve your general health to a great extent. This can prevent many accompanying health problems like stroke, cardiac issues, and much more.
Health Benefits of Ajmod or Apium graveolens for Controlling Diabetes:
Extracts from ajmod seeds can be really helpful in treating the condition of hyperglycemia. The extracts out of these seeds help to control and reduce inflammation, atrophy, and also an injury in cells resulting from diabetes along with diabetic encephalopathy and impaired cognitive functions due to diabetes.(5) Tea boiled with these seeds can be very helpful for people suffering from diabetes.
Ajmod is an Anti-inflammatory Agent
Extracts from the stems of ajmod contain powerful antioxidant properties; hence, they can be really helpful in controlling inflammation(6) and pain resulting out of arthritis.(7) People of any and every age suffering from the condition can easily have ajmod stem juice regularly to observe definite improvement in the due course of time.
Health Benefits of Ajmod in Managing Gout
People with a high uric acid level and its buildup in the joints suffer from excruciating pain in their joints. There is inflammation in the joints and movement of the joints can also become a challenge. These are the people who can be benefitted from the intake of celery juice.(8) Due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties, this juice can provide effective relief from joint pain common in gout.(6, 7)
Improves Indigestion
If you are facing the problem of indigestion and that of flatulence, then yet again boiling some tea with these celery seeds and having it with a pinch of black salt help the condition to a great extent.
Ajmod is often confused with ajwain seeds that are widely used in India and many other parts of Asia as a spice and Ayurvedic medicine. Ajmod has multiple health benefits when used systematically. It can be grounded and eaten. Again, many regular users of ajmod prepare tea from the seeds or just dissolve it in the water for some hours and drink the water. (1, 2) If you have any health issues, it is better to consult with an expert before eating ajmod regularly.