A lipoma is a non-cancerous (benign growth) fatty tissue growth below the skin and underlying muscle. They are very slow growing tumors and usually harmless to the patient. They can occur anywhere in the body, but are commonly located in the arms, shoulders, abdomen, thighs and back. They are more common in middle aged people between the age group of 40-60 years. They are painless, mobile lumps under the skin, with a normal overlying skin.
The exact etiology of lipomas remains unknown, but it is known to be hereditary and is also more common in alcoholics. While diet is not a specific cause of these tumors, but certain factors related to diet can put you at a risk for formation of lipomas.
What is a Good Diet for Lipoma?
A healthy diet goes a long way in curing many diseases and health problems. Since, lipoma is an overgrowth of fatty tissue first and foremost a reduction in fatty foods is helpful. Avoiding of dairy and dairy products such as ice cream, butter, cream etc is helpful in reducing the amount of fat accumulation that might lead to lipoma. Also, foods rich in sugars such as chocolates, junk foods artificial sweeteners add more fat to your body. Sugar that is present in the bloodstream is converted into fat and stored under the skin, so it is very important to get rid of sugary foods to prevent possible formation of lipomas.
If possible a simple switch to an organic diet is helpful. These foods have less preservatives and additives in them, which are beneficial in assisting liver in removing toxins from the fatty tissues of lipoma. Limiting the processed and packaged foods in your diet will reduce the buildup of toxins in the body.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential in reducing fat from your blood as they are rich in antioxidants. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, plums, green leafy vegetables, squash, bell peppers etc are rich in vitamins and minerals and also have abundance of antioxidants, which help in cleansing the body and building up of the immune system as well. Freshly prepared vegetables and fruit juices also add to the nutritional value and cleansing of circulatory system.
Consumption of more fish diet is beneficial to get rid of lipomas as they contain omega three fatty acids and high quality proteins. They help reduce inflammation in your body and also limit the growth of fatty tissues under the skin. Salmon and tuna fish are excellent sources of omega3 fatty acids that are also high in vitamin B12 content. A reduction in red meat diet is also beneficial because it leads to accumulation of fat. Instead of red meat you can consume chicken, tofu and beans that are healthier and also contain high levels of protein.
Drinking of more water is also good for your body and overall health. It helps in getting rid of toxins from the body. It also affects the lipoma and its recurrence in future. Lemon juice along with baking soda is also healthy and helps in flushing sugar and toxins from blood.
Other Treatments for Lipomas
Apart from avoiding lipomas, it is also important to treat them when they cause discomfort or pain. They are generally harmless, but in very rare cases liposarcomas may develop that might cause pain, grow rapidly and will not move under the skin. They need to be diagnosed with imaging techniques such as MRI and CT scans and further confirmed by a tissue biopsy (where a small tissue sample is cut and sent to a lab for study).
After the confirmation of the diagnosis treatment options available to reduce or remove lipomas are simple surgical excision or they can be shrunk with steroid injections. Liposuction is also performed where the fatty tissue is removed with the help of a needle and syringe.
Overall the prognosis of lipomas is very good and if given proper care and treatment they can be managed easily without further complications.
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