What Not To Eat When You Have Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is the term given for the nausea and vomiting that is seen during the pregnant period. Even though it is said morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can be present at any time of the day. For some mothers the morning sickness is not that much of a trouble and it resolves with 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. But for some mothers it continues through the whole pregnancy period or at least until 6 months. This is quite an unpleasant experience and affect the quality of life. The mother might not be able to go to work or even do any work at home. It will be a really hard time and those who have gone through this period knows about the difficulty. Simple changes in your diet and life style can reduce morning sickness up to some extent.

What Not To Eat When You Have Morning Sickness?

What Not To Eat When You Have Morning Sickness?

Fatty, Greasy Or Fried Foods. Food that are fried, greasy which containing lots of oil takes time to digest. It stays in the stomach for a long time more than carbohydrates and proteins. Usually it takes about 6-8 hours for a meal to completely move from the stomach to the small intestine. Fatty food stays in the stomach for a long time, followed by proteins and then carbohydrates. Also, fat digestion begins in the small intestines whereas carbohydrates starting from the mouth. Many factors affect the digestion of food, but eating a big burger with fries or fried meat will take a long time to move out of the stomach. After having a big meal containing lots of fried food will feel you make sleepy and sluggish. During the pregnancy period, this kind of meal will easily make you nauseated and you might vomit too. Especially, if you sleep afterwards most probably you will feel nauseated and might vomit. So, it is best to avoid oil, greasy food when you have morning sickness.

Avoid lying down or sleeping just after a meal as this can induce vomiting, wait at least for 1 hour before lying down.

Sweet Food. Too much sweet food can also take some time to digest; there can be various odors with these foods which can stimulate nausea and/or vomiting. The food that are really sweet can be full of oil too. So, it is best to avoid these sweet foods when you have morning sickness.

Food With Strong Odors. Not just pregnant mothers with morning sickness but even in a normal person nausea and vomiting might be induced by food with a strong odor. Avoid having food with strong odors and if you develop nausea and vomiting once to the odor of a particular type of food avoid it the next time.

Alcohol. Alcohol causes inflammation in your stomach lining; it increases the production of stomach acid and delays the process of food moving out of the stomach. All of these reasons contribute to nausea and vomiting. Also, alcohol can give rise to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Avoid consumption of alcohol during the pregnancy period even if you do not have morning sickness.

Caffeine. Caffeine stimulate the production of stomach acid, it also induces nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and gastric disturbances. It also causes gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore, avoid caffeine when you have morning sickness.


Morning sickness is the term given for the nausea and vomiting that is seen during the pregnant period. Simple changes in your diet and life style can reduce morning sickness up to some extent. Avoid having oily, greasy and fried food, very sweet food, food with strong odor, alcohol and caffeine. Also avoid lying down after having a meal, at least wait for about 1 hour. Avoid having big meals; have small frequent meals avoiding the above-mentioned food.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 7, 2019

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