Natural Remedies For Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a symptom seen during pregnancy, which comprises of nausea or vomiting or both. Even though it is known as morning sickness, it can happen at any time of the day. These symptoms or morning sickness is seen during 4th to 16th week of pregnancy. A small number of women show these symptoms even after the 20th week of their pregnancies.

Natural Remedies For Morning Sickness

Natural Remedies For Morning Sickness

Some natural remedies may ease the symptoms of morning sickness. These may include-


  • Ginger is one of the most popular natural remedies for morning sickness
  • The mechanism of action of ginger is not yet completely known. However, some studies say that the compounds present in ginger exhibit similar properties to those of anti-emetic medications. Many studies believe that ginger is an effective way of reducing nausea in a variety of situations, including pregnancy and travel
  • Many consider ginger to be as effective as prescription medicines and with negligible side effects
  • Ginger is safe in most people. However, those having a low blood pressure and low blood sugar should consume ginger in moderation
  • Ginger is considered a safe alternative in pregnancy because of less or no side effects


  • Citrus smells may be a helpful remedy in nausea especially in pregnant women. Lemon is a natural remedy for morning sickness
  • The essential oils in citrus fruits like lemon may be the reason for effectiveness against nausea


  • Some of the spices that we daily use in our foods are scientifically known to provide relief from nausea and vomiting
  • Fennel, cinnamon and cumin are some such spices
  • Though some studies are available to support this conclusion, many more studies are required to establish a confirmation
  • These spices could be tried for relief from nausea, nonetheless, as there are no side effects

Vitamin B6 Supplements-

  • Many studies show that taking a vitamin B6 supplement regularly during the pregnancy may reduce the nausea and morning sickness effectively and with no or less side effects, thus it is a natural remedy for morning sickness
  • Those who wish to avoid medication in pregnancy may try this instead
  • However, more studies are still needed to support this observation

Controlled Breathing-

  • Taking deep breaths slowly can help in reducing nausea
  • This may be related to the oxygen supply to the whole body, which gets better due to deep breathing

Some other tips that can be considered for alleviating the symptoms and discomfort related to nausea are-

  • Try avoiding food that is too spicy or oily. Any food that will upset your stomach may cause nausea
  • Try adding some more protein to your food. Protein rich foods are known to fight off nausea better than fatty or high-carb foods

Try eating frequent, smaller meals compared to one large meal. Eating too much at a time can cause a feeling of fullness and heaviness, which may then trigger nausea

Do not lie down immediately after you eat. You may experience a reflux if you lie down immediately after a meal. This can trigger nausea. To avoid this, sit in an upright position for some time after you finish a meal

  • Try not to drink any fluids with meals. Drinking with meals can cause a feeling of fullness, again triggering nausea
  • Drink enough fluids through the day. If you get vomiting too you may get easily dehydrated. To avoid this, drink electrolyte-rich fluids, vegetable broth or mineral water
  • Try to avoid strong smells. Also, try to recognize those smells which particularly trigger your nausea and then try and avoid them
  • If your iron levels are normal during the first trimester, avoid taking any iron supplements as these may trigger nausea in some women
  • Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise, yoga or even walking in fresh air will help in reducing the nausea.


Morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy and usually subsides around 16th to 18th week of pregnancy. However, if it causes too much discomfort, some natural remedies can help in alleviating the discomfort.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 8, 2019

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