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10 Winter Superfoods

If you have started buttoning up the sleeves, curling up in the bed, finding it difficult to get out of the cozy bed, and covering yourself up in shawls, winters have come. The lethargy would not take you a long way as the work has to be done.

Along with it, winter brings in a variety of delicious fruits and vegetables to savor. These foods are extremely nutritious and actually beneficial to fight the winter chills.

There are various foods available during the winter seasons that help you keep the body on the go even when the cold in the air makes you feel dull. These are known as superfoods as they are extremely rich in nutrients that are necessary for the body.

Winter Superfoods

Winter Superfoods

They are as follows:

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients and low on calories. Though they have high sugar content their nutritional value is way higher. They are a rich source of vitamin A, fiber and potassium.

Consuming sweet potatoes can relieve constipation, boost the immune system, and also help reduce inflammation.


Turnips along with their leaves are an excellent antioxidant source. This helps in reducing the risk of cancer.

Turnip is rich in vitamin K and its leaves are a rich source of vitamin A. Consuming turnip along with its leaves helps in keeping the cardiovascular system healthy, bones strong, and digestive system working well.

A study also found out that dietary nitrate present in turnip plays a role in improving cardiovascular health.(1)


Dates are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are actually recommended most for the people, who go to the gym, as their low-fat content keeps the weight in check. Regular intake of dates helps the body stay warm in winters.

Almonds and Walnuts

Consuming almonds and walnuts regularly keeps the nervous system healthy, improves sensitivity and keeps the heart in good condition.

Along with them, apricots can also be combined to enhance the goodness.

Dark Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard, and chard can take away the chill of winters. The winter frost takes away the bitterness of the kale.

Brussel sprouts have a high nutritional profile and are said to provide 100 percent of daily intake of vitamin C and K.

These vegetables are rich in vitamins C, K, and A. All these vitamins are important for the women of childbearing age.

You can find a fresher variety of these vegetables in the market during the winter season.


White cauliflower is the most common vegetable available in winters. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals including vitamins B, C, and K.

It contains phytochemicals that are linked to destroying certain cancer cells.

Avoid boiling and eating it as boiling might kill a large proportion of phytochemicals. Eat it by roasting and steaming instead.


Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit are at the juiciest best in the winter season. These are loaded with vitamin C.

Flavourful oranges are known to contain different phytochemicals that help lower inflammation and blood pressure.

A glass of lemon water early morning is associated with numerous benefits including improved digestion and boosting metabolism.

Citrus fruits are known to be rich in flavonoids which are credited with good HDL (high-density lipids) boosting and bad LDL (low-density lipids) lowering properties. It also helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Ragi is rich in calcium and is the best food for those following vegan diets to meet their calcium requirements.

It helps in controlling diabetes and anemia.

Ragi is also found useful in other health conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression.


Bajra is a tiny little millet that is rich in fats, protein, and fiber.

It plays a vital role in curing anemia. Consuming it regularly helps strengthen the bones.

Winter Squash

Variety of winter squash including butternut, acorn, delicata, and spaghetti squash are excellent food choices in the winter season.

These are low in calories and an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C. They are also a good source of vitamin B6, K, potassium and folic acid.

Having a holistic approach to health is a way to healthy living. This includes eating healthy and exercising well.

The different season has different foods available which should be consumed by all as they contain the necessary nutrients for that particular season. Also, the seasonal fruits are at their nutrient best.

Eat them to keep the body going even when the winter tries to stiffen it up.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 16, 2019

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