Near-sightedness or myopia is a commonly found condition of the eyes in which you can focus clearly on the objects nearer to you, but objects at a distance appear blurred.
Lifestyle Changes And Coping Methods For Near-Sightedness
Near-sightedness cannot be prevented. However, its onset can be delayed, and the progression of the disease can be slowed down. Along with the treatment for nearsightedness, certain lifestyle changes and coping methods may help in improving the symptoms of nearsightedness. These lifestyle changes may also help in protecting your eyes and vision-
Eye Check-Up-
- Getting your eyes regularly checked may forewarn you about many eye conditions so that they can be delayed or sometimes, prevented
- It is important to get an eye test done, even if your vision is good and you have no difficulty in seeing
Managing Other Health Conditions-
- It is essential to manage your other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, etc.
- Diabetes alone can cause a host of other problems and vision problems are not an exception to these
- Diabetes may lead to a serious condition known as diabetic retinopathy, which can even cause permanent vision loss
- High blood pressure exerts a lot of unwanted pressure on your blood vessels as well as nerves
- Excessive pressure on the optic nerve can cause permanent loss of vision
- It is important to keep these and other such condition under control by taking timely medication and following up with your doctor.(1)
Protection From Sun’s Rays-
- Ultraviolet rays can be harmful to your eyes as well
- Wear protective eye gear, sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat while stepping out in the harsh sun.
- The UV radiation can cause significant damage to your eyes and vision over the long run
Protecting Eyes From Injuries-
- Wearing some kind of protective eye gear while doing activities like playing sports, dealing with sharp instruments, cutting wood, mowing lawn, painting, using chemicals, doing lab experiments, etc. can ensure that you stay away from eye injuries
- Eye injuries are a common cause of potential eye damage
- Avoiding them will ensure that you have as less eye damage as is possible
Eating A Healthy Diet-
- Eating a healthy and balanced diet will ensure that you get all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are required for maintaining the optimum health of your eyes
- Including plenty of greens, leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, citrus fruits, seeds, nuts, fish, etc. can help you in providing these essential nutrients.(1)
Quit Smoking-
- Smoking damages your eyes as it does your lungs and heart
- It compromises all the organs of your body and eyes are no exception to this
Using The Right Lenses-
- Using right corrective lenses will ensure that the damage does not worsen
- The refractive error might change and using the same old lenses for years and years may prove dangerous in terms of increasing the refractive error
- Timely check up and corrections are required to keep the eye damage in check
- The lenses with correct power will not only improve your vision but also will keep your eyes away from increasing refractive error
Light Matters-
Using good lighting for all activities including reading, writing, working on your laptop, etc. will ensure that your eyes get less strained and you have an improved vision
The 20-20-20 Rule-
Looking away from whatever close visual work that you are doing after every 20 minutes, looking at a distance of 20 feet for 20 seconds will ensure that your eyes do not get overstrained and get the rest that they need(1)
Visit Your Doctor-
If you experience symptoms like the sudden loss of vision, blurred vision, double vision, flashes or specks of light, shadow, halos around light, etc. you must immediately visit your doctor to get yourself checked
Certain lifestyle changes and coping up methods can help you manage your near-sightedness better.
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