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10 Warning Signs That Indicate You Need To Visit An Eye Doctor

Nobody wants to take risks with any type of body functions especially the eyes.

If having an eye or vision problem, it is always good to consult a doctor soon to avoid complicating the symptoms.

If you really care for your vision, here are a few signs that should not be ignored.

10 Warning Signs That Indicate You Need To Visit An Eye Doctor

10 Warning Signs That Indicate You Need To Visit An Eye Doctor

Warning Signs are:

Red Eyes

If you see the color of the white of your eye-getting pink or red, do not ignore it.

It can be a sign of infection, trauma, allergy, or any other.(1) All of the reasons need different treatment.

Do not consider going for over-the-counter prescriptions for them and consult a doctor for an opinion.

Self-medication might worsen the condition than doing any better.

Blurring of Vision

Not being able to view distant objects clearly can be an indication of blurred vision.

The reason for blurred vision can be myopia or nearsightedness and hyperopia or farsightedness.(2,3)

The problem can be fixed with the help of an opthalmologist. If the vision has blurred immediately, a detailed evaluation may be needed. Early intervention is required to prevent the progression of the cause.

The blurred vision can be a result of any of the following:

  • Change in spectacle power
  • Optic nerve disorder
  • Systemic hypertension
  • Diabetes

Large Black Spot In Front Of The Eyes

It is normal to have black spots in front of the eye. If there is a sudden increase in the number or the size of these spots, it can be an early sign of a threatening complication called retinal detachment.

The black spots in such cases can be related to severe stretching of the retina that leads to small holes and weak spots called lattice degeneration.(4)

It is very important to get such a problem treated to the earliest.

Constant Headache

Headache is the most common and most ignored symptom. Sometimes it gets difficult to manage if not diagnosed and treated early.

Eye strain can be a contributing factor for headaches but scary brain lesions can also be a reason.

Double Vision

If you start seeing double objects in front of your eyes, do not ignore them.

Some causes of double vision can be quite scary and may land up a person in an emergency.(5) It could be a stroke or a problem with the blood vessels of the brain.

If you are seeing two of everything, it’s never normal, consult a doctor.

Eye Pain

If your eyes are hurting, do not wait for them to get better on their own.

There is a condition called acute angle-closure glaucoma that can make a person go blind in a matter of days.(6) It is an uncommon type of glaucoma and is considered a medical emergency. It is accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting.

Pain in the eyes can also be due to infection, foreign object, scratched cornea, headache, or inflammation.

Light Sensitivity

Sensitivity to light can be due to a problem with the cornea, a thin transparent layer that covers the iris and pupil. It can be due to some kind of inflammation in the eyes.

Conditions that may cause light sensitivity may lead to scarring, which can be permanent in some cases. It should therefore be addressed quickly.

Sometimes light sensitivity can be due to a condition completely not related to the eye such as allergies, viral illness, or migraine headaches.

Difficulty In Seeing At Night

A drop in vision while driving at night or having a hard time seeing in the dark, can be a sign of going for an eye check-up. It could also point towards more problematic conditions such as the beginning of cataracts.

It is best to visit an ophthalmologist and get the vision assessed or get diagnosed if any other problem is cropping up.

Dry Eyes

If you feel that the eyes are sore and feel like they are full of rocks, you might be suffering from dry eyes.

Women are more likely to get dry eyes than men. Wearing contact lenses, dry climate, and certain medication can also cause it.

If the artificial tears do not any difference within 24-48 hours consult an ophthalmologist, to get evaluated for the best treatment.

Watery Eyes

If the eyes do not stop watering, it could be due to dry eyes.

A normal healthy tear film requires a lot of different biochemical properties to work in harmony. Any abnormality in it can lead to dryness or watering of eyes.

It may sound counterproductive, but consider using lubricating eye drops for 24-48 hours, for it. If it does not work consult an ophthalmologist.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 22, 2022

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