Glaucoma is an eye disease that is characterized by an excessive increase in intraocular pressure, which occurs when the aqueous humor (liquid responsible for the nutrition of the internal structures of the eye) cannot circulate and accumulates damage to the optic nerve, causing the gradual loss of vision and even blindness. In the most common form of glaucoma, the accumulation of fluid pressure is slow. Often, there are no bothersome or painful symptoms. In the less frequent varieties, the symptoms can be as severe as blurred vision, headache, nausea and vomiting, appearance of rainbow colored halos around the bright lights and sudden loss of vision. This shows us that the problem does not only affect the eyes.
Glaucoma can affect people of all ages. However, patients with more risk are those over 60, those with a family history of glaucoma, diabetics, and people with myopia and with high intraocular pressure (ocular hypertensive) and those who used steroids for a long time, as these affect the circulation and produce fluid retention in veins and cells.
What Foods are Good for Glaucoma?
Vitamin A: It’s antioxidant power helps to keep the eyes in good condition, preventing diseases such as loss of vision that normally occurs in the elderly, night blindness, cataracts or glaucoma. In addition, it helps the eyes to overcome bacterial infections, such as conjunctivitis. You can find vitamin A in dark green, yellow and orange vegetables, liver, dairy products, fish oil and cod liver, and fresh fish.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine): It has been proven that those who suffer from glaucoma have low levels of this vitamin. The germ of wheat, whole wheat, peas, legumes, fish, peanuts, meats and eggs are rich in thiamine.
Vitamin C: Studies have shown that a vitamin C supplement significantly reduces intraocular pressure in people suffering from glaucoma. In addition, broccoli, red pepper, raisins, Brussels sprouts, parsley, rosehip, kiwi, Barbados cherries, citrus fruits and strawberries are great sources of vitamin C.
Routine: The routine is one of the different bioflavonoids that offer color and flavor to fruits and vegetables, and they do a lot more. It is believed that bioflavonoids work together and, it is not surprising that routine supplements often carry other bioflavonoids such as quercetin and hesperidin. The bioflavonoids in general and the routine in particular, can strengthen the capillaries, the smaller blood vessels.
This has been used to reduce intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. It also helps absorption of vitamin C, preventing oxidation of it. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines) are rich in routine. It is also found in blackberries, apricots, red tea and green, and spinach.
Magnesium: It can act as a dilator of the blood vessels. One study observed that magnesium could improve vision in people with glaucoma by increasing the blood flow in the eyes. In this investigation people took 245 mg of magnesium. The increase in vision was noticed after 4 weeks. Magnesium is present in nuts, whole grains, beans, dark green vegetables, meat, germ of wheat, brewer’s yeast and in particular fish.
Bee pollen: Bee pollen is a powerful natural energizer and regulator of the body’s functions. It is an excellent nutritional source and one of the most potent antioxidants in nature. Among the effects of pollen is the increase in resistance to fatigue and intellectual capacity, as well as being beneficial for many diseases.
Due to its content of riboflavin, it improves vision and decreases intraocular pressure.
It is ideal to take fresh pollen before the meals, with water or mixed with infusions, yogurt, or cereals. It combines perfectly with honey and jelly, increasing and complementing its therapeutic power.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology. “What Is Glaucoma?”
- National Eye Institute. “Facts About Glaucoma.”
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