9 Steps To Follow Every Time You Wash Your Hair

Washing your hair feels very good, your hair feels soft and squeaky clean and also smells fresh! However, not many know that frequent hair washing may damage the hair; especially if you don’t do it the correct way. A hair wash cleans the hair and is kind of therapeutic. However, while washing hair we only pay attention to clean the hair and tend to avoid the correct way of washing hair.

9 Steps To Follow Every Time You Wash Your Hair

9 Steps To Follow Every Time You Wash Your Hair

For that silky smooth and strong hair, you must follow the below given tips and know the steps you need to follow every time you wash your hair for that perfect hair wash:

  1. Oil Massage is Necessary

    You must have heard the advice often about oiling your hair before washing your hair. Oil massage to the scalp and hair is before washing it is a tried and tested method for healthy hair. Enjoy an oil massage at night before sleeping and wash the hair next morning for best results. You can warm the oil slightly for even better results. If you can’t apply oil at night, apply it at least 2 hours before you shampoo your hair. Applying oil before hair wash helps in maintaining oil balance and also makes the hairs smooth, manageable, strong and moisturized. You can give a try to mustard, olive or coconut oil.

    Oil massage is an important step that you need to follow every time you wash your hair for healthy hair.

  2. Comb Your Hair

    It is recommended to untangle your hair before a hair wash. It will help in enhancing the circulation of the blood to the hair and scalp, opening the pores as well as reducing oil build-ups in the hair. Combing your hair before washing is a step not everyone knows of and you need to follow it every time you wash your hair.

  3. Rinse

    A good rinse is important before you shampoo your hair. You can use slightly warm water for rinsing, as it will help open the scalp pores. It will also help in loosening oil build-ups and accumulated dirt before preparing the hair to be shampooed. The next step to be followed every time the hair is washed is rinsing your hair before shampooing it.

  4. Shampoo The Roots & Use The Right Amount Of Shampoo

    The process of shampooing your hair correctly every time you wash it as follows: first is taking the right amount of shampoo in your palm. Here the question arises, what is the right amount of shampoo? For short hair, the right amount of shampoo is coin-sized quantity. If your hair length is beneath your shoulders, then the shampoo amount should be more. During your hair wash, do not harshly massage your hair as it causes hair fall by weakening your hair roots. Gentle massage with soft pressure would work better when washing your hair. You just have to shampoo your roots first and use very little shampoo to wash the length of the hair. If you have this thought in your mind that scrubbing hair will clean the dirt out, then you are wrong. A gentle massage is enough when washing your hair.

  5. Squeeze The Water Out From Your Hair

    For preparing your hair for conditioning, after shampooing you need to squeeze the excess water from your hair. Use your fingers or a cotton t-shirt to get rid of that water from your hair. You need to squeeze the water out from the midsection to the end before applying the conditioner. Squeezing out the water from your hair before conditioning it is a must step to follow every time you wash your hair.

  6. Have Patience While Conditioning

    When shampooing or conditioning your hair, you are need to have patience and give it some time. Do not be in a hurry to rinse off your conditioner. From midsection to the ends of your hair, apply coin-sized amount of conditioner to the length of your hair. Now, wait for 2 to 3 minutes and rinse your hair thoroughly. It is important to rinse out the conditioner properly from your hair. If any residue of conditioner is left in the hair, then it may lead to unnecessary chemical build up in and oily, limp hair. So take your time when conditioning your hair.

  7. Make Use of Cold Water For The Final Rinse

    Avoid the use of warm water for the final rinse because it opens up your pores. Washing your hair with cold water as a final rinse helps in keeping your scalp pores and hair follicles closed, sealing the essential oils and conditioner required for your hair. This also helps in making your hair shinier. Make sure to follow this step of using cold water for the final rinse every time you wash your hair.

  8. Dry Out Your Hair

    This step doesn’t appear important when we wash our hair; but it is one of the vital steps in hair care. Just after washing your hair, squeeze the extra water out of the hair and dry your hair. Don’t wrap a towel around the head after a hair wash. Instead, use a cotton t-shirt to squeeze out the water every time you wash your hair. Rubbing your hair harshly after a hair wash can cause hair fall by weakening the hair roots to a great extent. So, gentle drying of hair needs to be followed every time you wash your hair.

  9. Select Correct Shampoo

    In the whole process of washing your hair, the most overlooked step is choosing the right shampoo for your hair wash. Before selecting a shampoo, you should know your hair type. A normal shampoo will work for most of the people. Here are some informative things you should keep in your mind: for delicate hair, use a protein-based shampoo; for dry hair, select a creamy shampoo; for oily hair, use a gel based shampoo. So, to attain beautiful and healthy hair, pick your shampoo and conditioner accordingly and follow the above steps every time you wash your hair to get strong and healthy hair.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 22, 2023

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