Dengue fever is an infectious disease. It occurs due to mosquito bites. The virus of dengue is majorly spread by Aedes mosquitoes and mostly lives in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. One study has estimated that 50 million infections occur every year.
In the tropical region, there is an increase in the incidence of dengue outbreaks during monsoon and post-monsoon every year. The children and the young adults are mostly affected by this virus. Dengue fever rarely causes death; though, the infection can turn out to be serious and cause dengue haemorrhagic fever which can cause death.
Are Dengue Rashes Itchy?
Most people experience a light dengue rash on hands, arms, and feet. The dengue rashes that a patient gets are usually itchy. As per the WHO report, dengue patient experiences hand and feet itchiness, they feel like ants are crawling over the hand and are biting them.
How Long Does Dengue Last?
The symptoms of the dengue usually start about three to seven days after the mosquito bites and the fever last about 10 days, although symptoms of dengue may last longer in the patients.
Best Home Remedies for Itchy Dengue Rashes
Olive Oil: Olive oil is loaded with tons of skin loving nutrients. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are useful in relieving the discomfort of the itchy skin in dengue. It does not only soothe the skin but also heals the infection that causes itching. Mix the olive oil with moisturizer and apply on the itchy areas of the skin. Apply this home remedy three times a day.
Coconut Oil to Control Itchy Dengue Rashes: Coconut oil is the popular home remedy to calm rashes, redness, swelling and itching as well. According to a recent study, coconut oil helps in healing the wound caused by the bacteria. This oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties making it an effective home remedy to help soothe itchy dengue rashes. Using coconut oil on the skin is all natural way to eliminate rashes, redness, and itching.
Drinking Milk: Drinking milk is one of the most useful home remedies to soothe the dengue rashes because it contains an element of Phospholipid, which has shown to be beneficial for many types of skin diseases. You can drink milk as well as apply on dengue rashes; in both ways, it will relieve itching and redness.
Aloe Vera: Everyone loves aloe vera for just about every kind of skin irritation. Aloe vera contains antioxidant and antifungal compounds which clear up dengue rashes and itching. Take a leaf from an aloe vera plant and it open gently. Now use a blunt knife and scoop out all jelly and apply it over the itching area and leave it for a few minutes before you wash it.
Banana Peel for Itchy Dengue Rash: Banana has a high level of potassium and contains a good level of protein even in its peel too. The peel of banana is loaded with minerals, vitamins, and potassium, so you can rub it and massage the itchy area every day. Within one week it will calm down the red, swollen or itchy skin from dengue.
Oatmeal: Colloidal cereal isn’t something you have for breakfast. This kind of cereal is produced using oats that have been ground into a fine powder. A natural item utilized in numerous sorts of cleansers and creams, it can also be added to the water for a cool bath.
Stop Scratching: When you have a tingle, scratching is the normal reaction. However, it won’t help the problem. Truth be told, it might tear up the skin and prevent it from healing. It might even be a reason for further skin disease.
Make a decent attempt not to scratch your skin. Wear comfortable garments that don’t irritate the skin and keep your fingernails appropriately trimmed.
Treatment for Dengue
- There is no particular treatment for dengue fever. The patient should follow the below mentioned things to recover faster and better.
- Patients should follow medical advice, rest and drink a lot of liquids. Paracetamol can be taken to lower the fever and diminish joint pain. However, medicines for headaches should not to be taken since they can bring in life-threatening consequences.
- Patient must consume adequate fluid to avoid dehydration. Drips might also be given to maintain blood pressure levels.
- If you have any of the symptoms of dengue, you should seek immediate medical attention and prevent the disease from worsening.
- In case of kids, post dengue a child’s circulatory system might be affected. Hence, a child might require enormous amount of care and frequent medical checks to take care of their overall health.
Dengue is a preventable disease. All that one needs to do is lessen the mosquito in and around the environment that one lives in. The most ideal approach to lessen mosquitoes is to eliminate the places where the mosquito lays her eggs. These are mostly areas where water is stored and thus it must be removed. Periodic draining or removing water from containers is the best method for diminishing the breeding ground for mosquitos. Larvicide treatment is another powerful method to control the vector larvae. Make a habit to clean your surroundings, eat fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid junk foods, alcohol, and other toxics eatable items.
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