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Can Heel Spurs Be Cured?

Understanding about heel spur will be helpful for you to take care of your feet. A heel spur is the result of the damaged plantar fascia. Due to the damage, the body attends to the situation by introducing calcium deposit. The downside to this action is that the deposits protrude in the downward direction of the heel bone.

Are Heel Spurs Painful?

Most of the heel spurs that occurs in individuals are being less. However, neglecting the issue can increase the pain due to further damage to the plantar fascia. Along with the pain, the individual also suffers inflammation and swelling that runs through the bottom of the foot.

Can Heel Spurs Be Cured?

Can Heel Spurs Be Cured?

Curing heel spur depends on the extent to which the individual is suffering the condition. Fortunately, curing heel spur is simple, as most of it includes exercise, custom-made orthotics, cortisone injections, and anti-inflammatory medications. The doctor will only proceed ahead with the surgery if all these treatments fail. It is the last step in treating heel spurs.

Causes Behind the Appearance Of Heel Spurs

The presence of heel spurs happens when the body initiates the process of depositing calcium to treat the damaged plantar fascia. According to medical terms, the occurrence of heel spurs is due to plantar fasciitis and neglecting it will lead to the development of heel spur.

Another downside for a reason behind the pain is because of the calcium deposits that build up on the lower side of the heel bone. Due to this, the cushioning pad receives the pinching effect making it difficult for the individual to stand in the appropriate posture. Additionally, strains on foot muscles and ligaments, repetitive action that stretches the plantar fascia, and tearing of the membrane are other reasons. Heel spurs are common in athletes, as they participate extensively in large amounts of jumping and running.

An individual suffering from heel spur may find it difficult to walk in an appropriate manner, as it causes excessive stress on the heel, ligaments, and the nerves surrounding the affected region. A person may find it challenging to perform regular activities such as walking, running or jogging on hard surfaces. Obesity is also a risk factor for increasing the heel spur in an individual.

Other causes include:

  1. Increasing age, which reduces the plantar fascia strength, flexibility, and stability
  2. Diabetes
  3. A lot of time spending on the feet
  4. Possessing flat feet or high arches

Often heel spurs do not show any signs. As the symptoms occur over a period or due to injury, it is difficult to attend to it in its beginning stage. Nevertheless, if a person is suffering from chronic pain or inflammation while walking or jogging, it is preferable to seek medical assistance during which the doctor will prescribe x-ray to look at the details of the feet. Based on this and other symptoms experienced by the person, the doctor will conclude whether the symptoms experienced are in relation with the heel spur.

Treatment for Heel Spurs

Conservative treatments for heel spurs include stretching exercises, changes to the footwear, strapping the stressed muscles and tendons, use of orthotic devices and shoe inserts, night splints, and physical therapy. It is also possible for the doctor to alter the change of the diet depending on the weight of the individual. Additional treatment includes the use of over the counter medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

In many of the cases, physical therapy and use of the functional orthotic device is helpful in reducing the suffering that an individual underwent due to the development of heel spur.


  1. Mayo Clinic: “Heel spurs: Symptoms and causes” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heel-spur/symptoms-causes/syc-20379919
  2. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs” – https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases–conditions/plantar-fasciitis-and-bone-spurs

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 16, 2023

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