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Is Hip Necrosis Reversible?

About Hip Necrosis:

Avascular Necrosis of the Hip, which is also referred to as osteonecrosis of the Hip, is a condition in which there is necrosis of bone tissues around the hip joint as a result of decreased blood supply to the bones of the hip.1 As a result of decreased supply, there may be tiny breaks in the bones of the hip and ultimately as the condition progresses the entire bone may collapse.

Hip Necrosis can affect any individual but is usually seen in people who are above the age of 50. There may be many causes for Hip Necrosis of which the most common are fracture of the bone, chronic high dose steroid use, dislocation of the hip bone, and alcohol abuse.

Additionally some of the other causes for Hip Necrosis are a trauma to the hip bone as a result of a fall or accident. Fatty deposits in the arteries that supply blood to the hip bone can narrow the artery resulting in a lack of adequate blood supply causing Hip Necrosis. Certain medical conditions like cancer and sickle cell anemia also play a role in reduced supply of blood to the hip bone causing Hip Necrosis.

Is Hip Necrosis Reversible?

Is Hip Necrosis Reversible?

Hip Necrosis is broadly believed to be by many researchers as a condition that is irreversible. It may ultimately result in a Hip joint deformity which will sooner or later require a joint replacement procedure.

However, there is some evidence in the literature that suggest Hip Necrosis may be reversible and can resolve without any chance of subchondral collapse or joint arthrosis even though there is no substantial evidence to suggest this.

In conclusion, while some researchers believe that Hip Necrosis is irreversible some literatures suggest that this condition under some circumstances is reversible without any chance of a collapse, although there is no concrete evidence to suggest this.

Thus the answer to the question as to whether Hip Necrosis is reversible is No and if conservative treatment fails to relieve the symptomatology then surgical intervention will be required to treat Hip Necrosis.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 1, 2019

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