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How Do You Tape Osgood Schlatter & Does It Cause Arthritis?

How Do You Tape Osgood Schlatter?

Osgood schlatter disease can also be managed by taping the area with the KT tape. The Kinesiology tape is a good method to manage the pain as well as muscle activity at joint including the knee joint which is most commonly affected in osgood schlatter disease.

To know the method of taping, one must essentially know the mechanism by which dark in kinesiology tape works. It is made up of cotton and spandex along with natural glue. The cotton provides the rigidity whereas spandex is there for stretchability of the tape. Natural glue is a very good option to hold it on the skin tightly. It can be stretched up to 40% of its natural length. The main principle behind the application of KT tape is it works by activating the receptors located in the epidermis for pain and touch. It is applied by lifting the skin from the subcutaneous tissue to provide the sensation of touch and helps in reducing the pain sensation around the applied area. So, it can be transversely applied below the knee region over the tibial tuberosity at the anterior part of the leg with a stretch of up to 20%.

Since there is lesser flexibility in the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in case of Osgood schlatter condition. KT tape also works in a manner in which if it is applied with higher tension, it increases the muscle tension and if it is applied without stretching, it turns ‘ off ‘ the muscle. So, in the case of Osgood schlatter condition, the muscles are already tight and are to be relieved. The kinesiology tape is applied without any stretch on the anterior part of the thigh to relieve the quadriceps muscles and on the posterior part of the thigh to relieve the hamstring muscles respectively. It helps to reduce the tension on the patellar ligament which is pulling it from tibial tuberosity and gives them time to heal by minimizing the further damage to the site.(1)

Does Osgood Schlatter Cause Arthritis?

Osgood schlatter disease occurs in children and adolescent age with only very few cases going into adulthood. According to a study done, only about 10% of the cases suffering from knee pain in adolescence have persistence in adulthood also.(2) Since chronic knee pain has been attributed to causing osteoarthritis at a later age it can be indirectly said that it may be responsible in very rarely possible scenarios.

Although the Osgood schlatter condition is more prevalent in males than females with a ratio of 3: 1 but the association with the patellofemoral pain syndrome is more common in females with a ratio of 1.5: 1. And the patellofemoral pain syndrome is found to be linked with osteoarthritis in various studies and may help establish the relationship between Osgood schlatter disease and osteoarthritis.(3) But there has been no study on the direct association of Osgood schlatter disease with the osteoarthritis.


KT tape is also known as Kinesiology tape is a very efficient method in countering the effects of any inflammatory or muscular condition. It can help reduce the pain occurring in the muscles or joints by activating the touch receptors located above them in the skin. It is also helpful in reducing or increasing muscle tension depending upon the requirement of the patient. Muscle stiffness or muscle weakness both can be supported with the help of KT tape. It has been widely used by the athletes to fasten their recovery process.

Although there has been no direct attribution on the part of Osgood schlatter condition in the causation of osteoarthritis in the later age it forms the part of patellofemoral pain syndrome which can be associated with osteoarthritis in elderly.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 1, 2020

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