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9 Reasons Your Feet Are Swollen

Feet are among the most important parts of your body. They are responsible for carrying you around, for dragging your weight and also for numerous other functions in our daily lives. However, like any other body part, feet can suffer from problems, one of which is swelling in the feet. Swollen feet are a common problem and many a times the reasons for this problem are unexplained. Many a times, the reason might be known, but discomfort that swollen feet cause is something else. To enlighten you all, we have compiled a simple list of some common reasons why your feet are swollen. Please read below for the top 9 reasons for swelling in the feet:

9 Reasons Your Feet Are Swollen

#1. Standing or Sitting For Long Durations: If you are standing or sitting for long periods of time, the muscles in the legs, ankles and the feet do not get a chance to contract, this causes the blood flow from the feet to slow down and hence trigger swelling in the feet. Uncomfortable shoes may further aggravate your swollen feet condition. Though the swelling is bound to go away when you start walking or sit with your legs up, but if the condition persists, it may indicate a bigger problem and should be shown to a doctor.

#2. Too Much Salt: If you consume too much salt in your diet, the sodium from the salt acts as a culprit and becomes a reason for your feet to swell. This sodium retains water in the body, which is sure to lead to swollen feet. Only about a teaspoon of salt per day is the accepted norm for your body, but the diets of today are rich in processed foods, which are further rich in sodium thus contributing to the reason why your feet are swollen. The use of the salt shaker is also advised to be minimized.

#3. Pregnancy: Another common reason for swelling of the feet is pregnancy. Usually the feet start to swell in the second trimester. Feet start to swell in pregnancy because as the fetus grows, the pelvic veins get pressed and lead to a compromised blood circulation. Plus the hormonal changes during pregnancy are also one of the reasons why the feet swell up. As the pregnancy progresses, this swelling can become more pronounced. Standing or sitting for long periods of time during pregnancy is therefore not recommended. Compression stockings, exercise, cold compress or the simple habit of sleeping on the side can help you manage this problem well.

#4. Obesity: Overweight is one of the biggest reasons for swelling in the feet. All the accumulated fat in obese people restricts comfortable flow of blood through the veins, which in turn causes the feet to swell. The best solution to for swelling in the feet is to lose the excess weight by eating healthy and exercising.

#5. Injury: A sprained ankle or a twisted foot is another reason why your feet are swollen. In these forms of injuries, the blood cells rush down to the area of injury and try to treat the problem, which results in the problem of swollen feet. At times swelling in the feet is also a side effect of some form of surgery on the leg or the ankle. Keeping your feet elevated will help you in such type of swelling in the feet. One can also try application of ice to the affected area to relieve swelling in the feet.

#6. Hormonal Changes: Other than the above mentioned reasons, fluctuating hormones also are an important reason for swelling of the feet. More common in women, swollen feet can occur right before the starting of the menstrual period. Other hormonal changes that are triggered by the hormonal contraception and hormone replacement therapy also contribute towards the swelling various parts of the body including the feet. To relieve this form of bloating of the feet and legs you can increase your water intake, and cut down the salt in your diet. Working out is also a possible solution as it would aid the body with better blood circulation.

#7. Medicines: There are certain medicines like hormones and other drugs, the consumption of which can cause the feet to swell. Mainly the hormonal contraception and the cardiovascular related drugs have a tendency to create this sort of a problem for the patients, but any other medicine which does not suit the body can also cause a reaction and lead to swollen feet.

#8. Infections: At times the swelling in the feet can also cause pain; this pain is because of a possible skin infection. Bacterial infection is the most probable form of infection which causes cellulitis on the feet. Though diabetics are more prone to this form of an infection, it can affect anyone. At times, an opening in the skin can also cause the bacteria to infect the foot and cause the feet to swell. Keeping the feet well moisturized to prevent any form of cracks or breakage is a possible prevention to swelling of the feet. In case the swelling of the feet is due to a fungal infection, it can be treated using anti-fungal medications.

#9. Unhealthy Heart: At times the heart slacks in pumping enough blood to the veins, which in turn can cause the feet to swell. Also called heart failure, the irregular pumping of the blood leads to fluid buildup in the veins. Location of the swelling helps find the right cause of it. If the swelling in the feet is much more pronounced than the swelling by standing all day long, it can indicate a problem with the heart. If this feet swelling is increasing at a high rate each day, it is best to consult a doctor at the earliest.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 28, 2023

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