In this section of the article you will read about the signs and symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia, risk factors which are involved and tests to diagnose disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
Signs and Symptoms of Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
The following are the signs and symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia:
- Disorganized contemplation or thinking is a major symptom of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The victim of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia cannot form logical or coherent thoughts and this causes problems while specking with others as the victim may not stick to the currently discussing topic and change the subject too often. People who are talking to him/ her may not understand what the victim is saying and it seems like muddle of sounds. There is also problem with writing for the victim.
- Grossly disorganized conduct is another major symptom of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. These manifestations might be severe to the point that the patient cannot perform standard day by day activities, for example, showering, dressing appropriately and planning dinners. For instance, amid a warm day the individual might put on a multiple layers of garments. There might be unjustifiable disturbance or sexual conduct in broad daylight in public. Terribly confused conduct might feel ordinary to the individual with disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia, yet it is strange to everyone around them. Practices might fluctuate from being childlike and senseless, to forceful and savage.
- Lack of any emotional expression or flat effect is a symptom of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. Flat or blunt effect is seen in the victims, when they talk they talk with normal emotion but their face will be blank and there will not be any sort of facial expressions. There will not be any proper eye contact or proper body language. On a few events the individual might show conduct with is not suitable for given circumstances – this might incorporate blasting out giggling amid a genuine occasion.
Aside from the above, which are symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia, the patients might likewise have the accompanying signs and symptoms of general schizophrenia:
- Delusions are also seen in the victims of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The patient has bogus convictions of mistreatment, blame of greatness. He/she might feel things are being controlled from outside. It is not remarkable for individuals with schizophrenia to portray plots against them. They might think they have phenomenal powers and blessings. A few patients with disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia might stow away keeping in mind the end goal to shield themselves from an envisioned mistreatment.
- Symptoms of hallucination may also be seen in a disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia patient. Listening to voices is considerably more basic than seeing, feeling, tasting, or noticing things which are not there, but rather appear to be exceptionally certifiable to the patient.
- Social alienation is a symptom which can be seen in disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. When a patient with schizophrenia pulls back socially it is frequently on the grounds that he/she trusts someone is going to damage them. Different reasons could be an apprehension of collaborating with different people in light of poor social aptitudes.
- A major sign observed in disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia patients is that they are not aware of their disease. As the fantasies and daydreams appear to be so genuine for the patients, a large number of them may not trust they are sick. They might decline to take prescriptions which could help them hugely because of a paranoid fear of reactions, for instance.
- Cognitive troubles are witnessed in patients of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The patient’s capacity to think, recollect things, plan ahead, and to compose himself/herself are influenced. Correspondence turns out to be more troublesome.
- There might likewise be frowning, strange stances, performance issues at school/work, and awkward/ungraceful physical movement.
Patients with disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia manifestations are not normally ready to get restorative help all alone. At the point when their side effects seem to have died down, it is normal for them to trust they are fine and need not bother with treatment. Looking for therapeutic help for them is as often as possible started by a close friend or by some family member.
Risk Factors for Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
A risk factor is something which improves the probability of adding to a condition or infection. For instance, weight altogether raises the danger of creating diabetes sort. In this manner, heftiness is a danger variable for diabetes type 2. The risk factors for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia are basically the same as those for most schizophrenia sub-sorts, including:
- Family history of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. People with a family history of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia have a higher danger of creating it themselves. On the off chance that there is no history of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia in your family your odds of creating it (any sort) are under 1%. In any case, that hazard increments to 10% if anyone of your blood relative was/is a sufferer. A quality that is likely the most considered schizophrenia quality assumes an amazing part in the mind: It controls the conception of new neurons notwithstanding their combination into existing cerebrum system. A Swedish study found that disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia and bipolar issue have the same hereditary causes.
- Exposure to viral disease is a risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. If the unborn child in the womb (hatchling) is presented to a viral contamination, there is a more serious risk factor of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
- Malnourishment is a risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. If the baby experiences malnourishment amid the mother’s pregnancy there is a higher danger of consequently creating disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
- Severe stress and anxiety during adolescence or childhood is a possible risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. Experts say that extreme chronic stress during childhood can be a risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
- Childhood trauma or abuse is a risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
- Aged parents have a higher risk of having children born with the possibility of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia in contrast with more youthful folks.
- Drug usage during the childhood can be a risk factor for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The utilization of medications that influence the psyche or mental procedures amid youth might once in a while raise the danger of creating disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
Tests to Diagnose Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
A specialist who trusts a patient might have disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia will prescribe a progression of restorative and mental tests and exams keeping in mind the end goal to help with the determination. Symptomatic tests and exams for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia might include:
- Physical exam is conducted for the patient of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The weight, heart rate, height, BP (blood pressure), temperature of the patient is checked. The specialist will listen to the heart and lungs furthermore check the stomach area.
- CBC or complete blood count is tested to check for liquor and medications, and additionally thyroid capacity.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (registered tomography) for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia examines brain injuries or any anomalies in the cerebrum structure.
- EEG or electroencephalogram for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia is used to check for functioning of the brain.
- Psychological assessment is done for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. The therapist will get some information about their considerations, emotions and conduct designs. They will talk about side effects, when they started, how extreme they are, and how they might influence the patient’s life. The specialist will likewise attempt to discover how regularly and when disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia side effects had happened.
The specialist will most likely attempt to discover whether the patient had any contemplations about self-hurt or hurting other individuals.
Diagnostic criteria for disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia- the patient must meet particular indication criteria to be determined to have disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia. These criteria are spelled out in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), distributed by the American Psychiatric Association.
For a diagnosis of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia, there must be clear confirmation of:
- Speech which is disorganized
- Behaviour which is disorganized
- Blunted feeling or flat emotion
- Emotions which are not proper for given circumstances.
Different proofs which are required:
- A stamped decrease in working, after the onset of indications of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia, in no less than one of the essential sections of the individual’s life (e.g., work, school, connections, self-care).
- Signs of the turmoil are available consistently for a time of no less than 6 months. For no less than one month of that time period (less on the off chance that they die down because of successful treatment), the dynamic stage manifestations (e.g. delusions, hallucinations, to a great degree complicated conduct, and so on.) must be available.
- Schizoaffective disorder or other disorders should be ruled out.
The proper diagnosis of disorganized schizophrenia or hebephrenic schizophrenia will take time as there are other illnesses and disorders with similar signs and symptoms.
Also Read:
- Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Facts, Causes
- Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Treatment, Complications
- Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Complementary Medicines (CAM), Coping
- Recovery & Prevention of Disorganized Schizophrenia or Hebephrenic Schizophrenia