Psychosis characterizes wide range of disruptions caused to perceptions and thoughts of an individual. This creates difficulty among individuals to differentiate between virtual and real things. You may find these disruptions in hearing, seeing and believing various things, which are not real. Even few individuals experience persistent and strange thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
What Are The Early Warning Signs Of Psychosis?
Each psychosis patient is unique and no two patients experience exactly the same type/types of early warning signs. However, based on broad classification, any individual develops either of the following warning signs whenever he or she develops psychosis and in such situation, one should go with professional assessment. Accordingly-
Changes In One’s Speech, Thinking And Perception
- Changes in various things around them in any way
- Rapid speed often involves difficulty in its interruption
- Extreme preoccupation with occult or religion
- Irrational statements
- Peculiar usage of words and/or odd structure of language
- Unusual sensitivity towards textures, colors, light, noise and other stimuli
- Reduced speech
- Memory problems
- Severe level of distraction
Changes In The Emotions Of An Individual
- Laughing in an appropriate way
- Incapability to cry
- Crying in an excessive way
- Feelings of anxiety and depression
- Incapability to express happiness
- Elated or euphoric mood
- Changes in the personality of a person
Social Changes In A Person
- Severe decline in a person’s social relationships
- Dropping out from regular activities or often out from his/her life
- Reclusiveness, isolation and social withdrawal
- Extreme suspiciousness of other individuals
- Aggression in an unexpected way
- Often unable to read any social situation or involve in any interaction in well manner for a long time.
Specific Behavioral Changes In People
- Bizarre or odd behavior
- Feeling refreshed even after too little sleep than normal sleeping hours
- Excessive writing often difficult to read or understand
- Threats related to self-mutation or cutting oneself
- Deterioration related to personal hygiene
- Inactivity or hyperactivity and alternation between the two activities
- Blinking in an incessant way or starring others without blinking eyes
- Sleep disturbance in its severe form
- Agitation
- Coping mechanism in the form of alcohol or drug usage
Out of character or reckless behavior
- Strange gesture or posture
- Significant decrease in the physical activity
- Difficulties in doing regular activities at work or school.
Causes of Psychosis
The problem of psychosis is common among young adults and teen-age individuals due to hormonal changes and other factors, as we have discussed here.
Trauma. Any traumatic event, like war, death or sexual assault may activate an episode related to psychosis.
Genetics. A majority of genes contribute towards the development of psychosis. However, merely a person has gene to cause the problem never implies that he or she will suffer from psychosis in near future. Experts are continuing with ongoing studies to understand the genes contributing towards the problem of psychosis.
Injury and Physical Illness. Brain tumors, traumatic form of brain injuries, HIV and few other brain-related problems, like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease may trigger psychosis.
Mental Health Conditions. In some cases, psychosis acts as a symptom for various mental health conditions. These include depression or bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia conditions.
Usage of Toxic Substances. Usage of LSD, marijuana, amphetamines and related substances may increase your risk related to psychosis and thereby, are vulnerable towards your health.
To conclude, we should say early warning signs may vary among individuals. However, it is the prime responsibility to identify the problem in advance to undergo with the required treatment.
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