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How To Prevent Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

Myofascial pain syndrome is a term used for a chronic pain disorder that affects your musculoskeletal system.1 This condition exhibits some trigger points in your muscles which when pressed cause a deep, localised pain. The pain may sometimes occur at an altogether different site and is known as referred pain.

How To Prevent Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

Preventing myofascial pain syndrome may not be possible. However, some techniques, home remedies and lifestyle changes may help in preventing their occurrence, recurrence and also help in a speedy recovery. These techniques may include-

  • Reducing your body weight if weight is a concern
  • Improving the posture
  • Maintaining a regular exercise routine
  • Eating a healthy, balanced and a nutritious diet
  • Learning to manage stress
  • Using correct techniques to do exercises, work and sports

Some home remedies may include-

  • Opting for better furniture for working. Like changing your working chair etc.
  • Trying to adjust the height if your working table, especially computer so that it is aligned with your eye level
  • Changing your sleeping position, or if possible, opting for a better version of your mattress
  • Following stretching techniques like yoga etc. after proper consultation with your physiotherapist
  • Avoiding heavy weightlifting, or using proper support while doing so
  • Doing exercises everyday to stretch your muscles
  • Practicing techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness etc. to improve your sleeping habits and reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression
  • If you encounter a muscle injury or reinjury, using an ice pack immediately can alleviate pain and help in avoiding long-term repercussions
  • Using moist heat whenever necessary to reduce inflammation(3)

You must take care of yourself if you suffer from myofascial pain syndrome. You can take some self-care measures to maintain a healthy body and recover and cope with the condition. You can perform gentle exercises with proper consultation with a physiotherapist. Making sure to move around when your pain allows you to, will ensure that your muscles encounter less stiffness and you less pain. If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, you may feel that the intensity of pain has increased. Relaxing at times when you are feeling worked up will ensure a speedy recovery and help in alleviating other signs and symptoms of the condition. Eating a diet that is full of fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, legumes and pulses, whole grains, nuts and seeds, healthy fats etc. can help you in staying nutritionally balanced and leading a healthy life. This will also ensure that your body gets enough energy and nutrients and recover speedily from a painful condition like myofascial pain syndrome.

Diagnosis Of Myofascial Pain Syndrome-

  • Your doctor will first go on with a full physical evaluation and check-up
  • He may check by applying a mild pressure at the site of pain and would try to locate any tense areas
  • He will check for the kind of response your muscle gives, like twitching when pressed at a particular point
  • Muscle pain is caused due to several reasons
  • To ascertain the reason or cause of your muscle pain, your doctor may recommend certain tests

Coping Up With Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition. It affects your musculoskeletal system. Suffering from conditions like these can be quite frustrating and emotionally stressful. At times, treatment might not be completely successful, and you may need to undertake life-long medications. Joining a support group may help ease your fears about the condition. Talking it out with family and friends will help in coping up better with your condition, as they might understand what is bothering you.


It may not be possible to prevent myofascial pain syndrome. However, by making certain lifestyle changes, following some techniques and using simple home remedies, you can prevent the occurrence and recurrence of myofascial pain syndrome and may get a speedy recovery.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 1, 2019

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