Neuropathy is defined as an attack on the nervous system. Perhaps one of the major complications in diabetes patients.
Diabetic neuropathy can impact several functions of the body. Statistics show that nearly 50% of the diabetic patients experience peripheral neuropathy, a condition that results when nerves that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord are damaged or affected.
Peripheral neuropathy and focal neuropathic conditions are often irreversible but there are ways to reduce the progression of diabetic neuropathy. In this article, we will see how diabetic neuropathy can be slowed down through effective treatments and lifestyle modifications. But before that, let us see what exactly diabetic neuropathy is?
Is Diabetic Neuropathy A Serious Condition?
Diabetic neuropathy is a kind of nerve injury typically caused by diabetes. A serious complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes that affects a range of nerves in the body caused by long term high blood glucose levels.
Diabetic patients when they experience symptoms like numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in your hands or feet, it is often advisable to visit your health care provider immediately without avoiding delays. Earlier the diagnosis faster will be the recovery.
Who Are At Higher Risk Of Getting Diabetic Neuropathy?
- Some people are at higher risk of getting diabetic neuropathy
- Individuals who have difficulties in managing sugar levels
- Having a poor diet and doesn’t follow a healthy diet
- Increased cholesterol levels
- Age factors (ages 40 and above have an increased risk of acquiring diabetes)
- Obesity or having a higher body mass index
- Individuals who have a long history of having diabetes
- Smoking and uncontrolled levels of alcohol
- High blood pressure.1,2
So, how can we reduce the progression of the condition and reduce the risk from further harm?
Managing The Sugar Levels In The Blood
Clinical trials show that diabetic patients develop neuropathy when they have higher levels of sugar and fat. This eventually damages nerve cells and nerve fibers. In addition, it causes damages to the smaller blood vessels which is responsible for carrying the oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. Nerve damages caused by diabetic neuropathy cannot be reversed because the human body doesn’t have the potential to normally repair the damaged nerve cells. Although you cannot reverse the damage, still managing the condition by lowering the blood sugar level, treating the nerve pain and having a regular checkup with your doctor when you suffer any injuries, wounds, and infection.
There are plenty of ways with which you can lower blood sugar levels naturally:
- Maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise. Exercises, when done regularly, can benefit you to lose weight and increase insulin sensitivity.
- Survey shows diabetes is more common among patients who have the habit of smoking. Therefore, reducing the intervals or perhaps quit smoking is one of the most effective options to keep your diseases at bay.
- Eating too many carbs have problems with insulin function, therefore, plan your meals appropriately. Diets that are lower in carbohydrates can help lessen blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar spikes.
- Increase your soluble fiber intakes such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.
- Stress can increase the sugar levels in the blood and often a leading factor of diabetes. Therefore, through exercises, going vacations and spending time with family are a few of the options to manage stress and reduce your sugar levels.3
Can Diabetic Neuropathy Be Reversed?
In the current scenario, there are no solutions to reverse diabetic neuropathy, but still, medical research is going on to reduce the risk and avoid future complications. Nevertheless, the best methodology is managing your blood sugar levels.
Massage, chiropractic therapy, acupuncture are methods to lessen neuropathy. Although these methods don’t provide long term solutions yet it can help you to reduce or control nerve pain.
- Diabetic Neuropathy: Preventing and Reversing the Damage
- What is diabetic neuropathy?
- Managing blood sugar levels
Also Read:
- Diabetic Neuropathy: Classification, Types, Causes, Risk Factors, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
- How Dangerous Is Diabetic Neuropathy & Is It Contagious?
- How Do You Stop Diabetic Neuropathy From Spreading?
- Is Diabetic Neuropathy A Disability?
- What To Eat & Avoid When You Have Diabetic Neuropathy?
- What Is The Best Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy?
- Can You Have Diabetic Neuropathy Without Having Diabetes?