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Common Adverse Effect Of A Vaccine & Ways To Manage The Adverse Reaction Of Vaccination?

The vaccine is a medical product which is designed to protect from disease. Just like any medications, which fights with the disease in our bodies have adverse effects; vaccines also have adverse effects.(1)

The severity of the harmful effect varies. In some, it can be mild which leads to symptoms such as soreness, swelling, or redness at the site of injection. Few vaccines lead to fever, aches, and rashes, while in severe cases the harmful effects can lead to a threat to life.

The mild effects do not last longer than a few days.(3)

Common Adverse Effect Of A Vaccine

Common Adverse Effect Of A Vaccine

The most common side effects of the vaccines are usually mild ones.

These signs mostly show up as an indication that the body is starting to build immunity against the disease.

The serious effects are very rare. Anaphylactic, which is an immediate allergic reaction to the vaccine, is one of them. These are the severe reaction and can prove to be life-threatening.

Many people have the concern of autism spectrum disorder being related to the vaccine, whereas studies show that there is no link between them.(2)

Ways To Manage The Adverse Reaction Of Vaccination

  1. The pain and fever after the vaccination can be managed by paracetamol. You can also ease the soreness at the injection site by placing a wet cloth over it. If a child has a fever after vaccination, make sure
    • You take the temperature regularly
    • Give them extra clothing
    • Make them wear light clothing
    • Do not bathe them in cold water, it can raise the temperature
  2. Dizzy or light-headed feeling can be eased by lying down, till you recover.
  3. Vomiting and diarrhea, if very severe should be treated under a doctor’s guidance or else can be fatal.
  4. Irritability, loss of appetite, and sleepiness are very general symptoms and go within 24 hours of getting vaccinated. If they persist for beyond 48 hours, see your doctor.
  5. Extreme fever after vaccination can lead to seizures, which usually last for 20 seconds.

In this case, you should call an ambulance. Though there is no long term damage from seizure it’s always advisable to consult a doctor.

In the pack of each vaccine, a patient information leaflet is present, which lists its potential side effects. Never worry if any effect shows up, consult a doctor. Panic can worsen any situation or condition.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 10, 2019

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