Best Natural Diuretic

Diuretics are used to get rid of the extra fluid from the body. Fluid retention is caused due to various medical conditions like kidney disease and heart failure. It leads to a puffy feeling in the legs, ankles, hands, and feet.

Mild water retention can also occur due to hormonal changes, menstrual cycle or being inactive for a long period of time.

In the case of water retention due to any health condition, it is very important to get the condition corrected to bring down the swelling. The doctor also prescribes a diuretic to bring in fast relief.

Diuretics relieve water retention by increasing urination. They alter sodium excretion from the kidney. Sodium takes water along with it from the blood. This increases urine output. Diuretics are also helpful in achieving weight loss if it’s due to fluid retention.

As the modern diet is high in sodium and low in potassium content, it can become a reason for fluid retention. There are various herbs and supplements which have diuretic effects and can be included in the diet to bring in relief in case of water retention.

Best Natural Diuretic

Best Natural Diuretic

  1. Coffee: Caffeinated beverages like tea coffee have diuretic properties which help eliminate the excess fluid. Methylxanthine in caffeine affects the sodium reabsorption in the kidney. If taken in adequate amount help in lowering blood pressure and fluid retention in the body.
  2. Black Cumin: It is a very effective diuretic having the properties similar to the popularly prescribed diuretic. It increases the urine output and also reduces sodium and potassium levels. It also plays a role in lowering the blood pressure level.
  3. Hibiscus: Hibiscus plant works as a natural diuretic and helps in getting rid of extra potassium from the body. It can be put into the tea by steeping the dried the petal of the hibiscus flower in hot water.
  4. Pumpkin: Pumpkin and its seeds bear diuretic properties. It is used to treat urinary tract infection, bladder infection and prostate disorders. It plays an effective role in curing nocturia.
  5. Caraway: Caraway is a feathery plant and is often used as a spice in cooking, mostly in bread, cakes, and desserts. It is used to cure various health disorders such as digestive problems, headache, morning sickness, and urinary problem. It increases urine output.
  6. Watermelon: Watermelon helps in, filtration, clarification, and production of urine. Its pulp contains alkanes and steroids that reduce the sodium level in the blood. It also helps prevent the formation of calcium and oxalate stones. Bioactive compounds such as cucurbocitrin and citrallin present in watermelon help maintain the blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels.
  7. Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice restores the level of potassium in the body while eliminating the excess of fluids. It contains antioxidants and vitamin C which fights against various infections in the urinary tract and protect the kidney and bladder.
  8. Lemon water: Lemon is a natural reservoir of vitamin C and antioxidant. They help flush out toxins and excess fluid in the body. Squeeze one lemon into a glass of hot water and drink it every day the first thing in the morning. Along with serving you with its diuretic property it also helps you lose weight.
  9. Dandelion extract: The high potassium content of dandelion root makes it a potential natural diuretic. Food rich in potassium signal kidney to pass out more sodium and water through urine.
  10. Parsley: Parsley has been used traditionally as a diuretic and is known to have a mild diuretic effect. It can be brewed into a tea and can be taken several times in a day to bring relief in water retention.

Apart from these, there are various other strategies which can help reduce fluid retention, such as:

  • Physical activity
  • Increasing water intake
  • Eating potassium-rich food
  • Increasing magnesium in the diet
  • Consuming less salt

Making healthy changes in the lifestyle would surely help you get rid of that puffy feeling which you get due to fluid retention.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 10, 2019

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