Braces Vs Invisalign: Differences Based on Colors, Treatment Times, Cost, Pros, Cons

There are different types of orthodontic treatments available today. Two of the most popular orthodontic treatments are braces and invisalign. Both of these have their unique advantages that are worth considering and both of them are different from each other. Read below to discover the differences between braces and invisalign.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Basic Differences

Braces Vs Invisalign. Basic Differences

Braces. Braces are made of a bracket, bonding and an archwire that actually controls the movement, as well as realignment of your teeth and jaw. These braces provide the quick treatment outcomes that most patients expect for. These metal braces are glued to the tooth enamel. Braces are quite comfortable and are less noticeable in the patient’s mouth.

Invisalign. However, invisalign offers the patients a more appropriate approach towards treatment and it is recommended for most teens and adults. Invisalign orthodontic treatment offer patients with the option of having braces discretely, because they are constructed to be invisible. Invisalign orthodontics are easy-to-care for usability, and are flexible enough to function all throughout the day while wearing the appliance. These invisalign make use of a 3-D image of your teeth so as to configure aligner trays with appropriate fit. These aligners are used to subtly and gradually move the teeth.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On Their Colors

Braces. Braces are typically metallic or silver in color. However, paying extra, one can choose any colored metal braces.

Invisalign. On the other hand, Invisalign are usually clear and invisible

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On The Treatment Times

There are some differences between the braces and invisalign based on their treatment times. Metal braces are not removable and the treatment time usually is quicker as compared to the invisalign. These braces are worn every time (24 hours in a day), usually for 2 years in case of most patients.

In case of the treatment with invisalign, you should wear them 22 or 24 hours a day for at least 6-18 months.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On The Cleaning

Braces. It is easier to clean your teeth with metal braces on as it simply requires normal brushing and flossing.

Invisalign. However, for cleaning invisalign trays, you would need an invisalign cleaning system. They can also be cleaned by brushing and rinsing the trays with warm water. Invisalign cleaning must be done after eating.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On Follow-Up Visits

Braces. Usually you must visit your orthodontist once in a month for a regular check up if you have put on the metal braces. Your dentist would see how exactly your treated teeth are shifting and accordingly adjust the wires of the braces if required.

Invisalign. In case you went for invisalign, you need to change the trays every 2 weeks, as the trays keeps your teeth moving at a steady pace. You need to visit your dentist every 4-6 weeks with invisalign treatment.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On Their Costs

Braces. The price of braces usually ranges differently from patient to patient. Typically the cost of braces would range anywhere from $1800 – $5500.

Invisalign. However, the average cost for Invisalign ranges around $5000. You need to talk to you dentist about the best pricing and option for your Invisalign treatment.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On Their Pros

Some of the Pros of braces are.

  • Braces are more effective for most complex cases.
  • There is no requirement of any extra cleaning steps besides regular or usual brushing and flossing.

Some of the Pros of Invisalign are.

  • Invisalign are invisible and removable easily.
  • There is no issue of food getting stuck in between.
  • No discomfort is felt and there is no difficulty while eating with Invisalign.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On Their Cons

Some of the Cons of Braces include.

  • Pain, sores or discomfort from the wires or brackets could be experienced by some patients with braces.
  • There might be discoloration of the tooth because of difficult dental hygiene, tooth wear and breakage of bracket.
  • The patient might experience difficulty eating hard and sticky foods with braces.

Some of the Cons of Invisalign include.

  • The patient might feel some discomfort from tooth movement with invisalign treatment.
  • In order to avoid staining, one must brush after each meal with invisalign treatment.
  • Invisalign must be removed before eating or drinking.

Braces Vs Invisalign. Differences Based On The Patients They Are Not ideal For.

Braces are not ideal for patients who play rough contact sports on a regular basis. Invisalign is not ideal for patients who do bridgework, those who have back tooth bite problems, patients who require rotating canines and premolars, or who need to move their teeth vertically.


From the above we know about the differences between braces and the invisalign. We also know that both these orthodontic treatments have a great place in modern orthodontic treatment and both of them have their own unique pros and cons. If you are willing to take any such treatment, then do discuss with your dentist properly and choose the best orthodontic treatment for yourself.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 24, 2019

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