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Changes in the 36th Week of Pregnancy

Time is flying by. It is the 36th week already! You are towards the end of third trimester now and your baby would soon be in your arms. You surely are excited to know about the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy.

So, enjoy this last phase of your pregnancy and get ready to share your life with someone special in the coming few days. It’s time to practice those breathing techniques which you learnt at the pregnancy classes and regularly visit your gynecologist and seek advice on how to be prepared for ‘the day’ of delivery.

Changes in the 36th Week of Pregnancy

Changes in the 36th week of Pregnancy

The body, during the 36th week of pregnancy, experiences a lot of changes, both internally and externally. It is therefore very important to keep a track of it. Normally, the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy are a continuation of all that happened in the previous week. Just that in the 36th week, the changes are accelerated and you experience more excitement.

Here are some of the most significant changes in the 36th week of pregnancy.

Pressure on Pelvic Bone

Your body is tired of carrying that baby bump for such a long time now. The pressure on the pelvic bone increases as the baby is soon preparing to come out. This is one of the important changes in the 36th week of pregnancy and some women may also feel a pressing pain. So keep a watch.

Health Issues

Some women, in response to the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy may experience health concerns like constipation, urinary tract infection (UTI), insomnia, body pains and hemorrhoids. The increasing trips to washroom is one of the noticeable changes in the 36th week of pregnancy and cause great discomfort. Moreover, your blood pressure as well as sugar levels may also sometimes rise.

Leaking Breasts

Breasts leakage is a common sign of the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy. Yellow colored thin fluid called colostrum is produced to prepare for the nutritional requirement of your baby. Since the baby is yet to arrive and consuming it, the fluid leaks out from the breasts.

However, if you are getting uncomfortable due to breasts leakage, you can try wearing nursing pads. In fact, it is advisable to start using them now as you would need them after delivery as well.


Another common response to the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy is fatigue. With the increasing pressure of the developing baby, your body may start feeling weak and tired. Rest is the only solution to tackle fatigue.


Heartburn is one of the commonest changes in the 36th week of pregnancy. With your baby growing, there is little space for you to breathe properly as well as the food to get digested properly. As a result, it leads to increased heartburn and thereby causes discomfort.

Sleep Disturbances

The growing baby and the mounting pressure brings one of the most important changes in the 36th week of pregnancy, which is sleep disturbances. With the increased belly size and complaints like frequent urination or heartburn you may find it difficult to sleep.


Contractions are the signal for the time of delivery of the baby. Contractions may be defined as sudden tightening of your uterus just like menstrual cramps. The stomach may feel hard on touching while you are having a contraction. Thus, you should be looking out for these contractions and related changes in the 36th week of pregnancy. As soon as you start feeling the contractions, immediately rush to the hospital for the delivery, if not already in the hospital.

Braxton Hicks

Sometimes you may get confused between contractions and Braxton Hicks. These Braxton Hicks are termed as ‘false labor’, another The best way to identify Braxton Hicks is to see if there is a pattern in these kinds of contractions or whether it is occurring in a random fashion. Braxton Hicks normally do not have a pattern, do not intensify with time and are intermittent.

Contractions normally intensify with time and then slowly subside, however Braxton Hicks may occur randomly. Contractions feel like a wave movement, rolling up the shore and then gently moving back to the sea.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy in the 36th Week

Now that you are aware of the changes in the 36th week of pregnancy, you can be better prepared for it. Your body has prepared itself well for giving birth, so here are some tips for you to follow for a healthy pregnancy in the 36th week.

Stay in Constant Touch with your Gynecologist

As the 36th week of pregnancy is a crucial one, it is important to stay in touch with your gynecologist. Have your regular antenatal checkups, take medicines as advised and follow the given instructions. Also, make sure you have all the emergency numbers ready, just in case you need them.

Choose Your Baby’s Pediatrician

As per the gynecologists, 36th week of pregnancy is the stage when baby can be born, anytime. If you have still have not decided who would be your baby’s pediatrician, this is the time to do so. Though you still have some time in your hands, but it’s still better to choose well on time.

Pack Your Hospital Bag

With all the occurring changes in the 36th week of pregnancy, make sure you prepare for your delivery too. While you still have time, it is better to organize your stuff and get your hospital bag ready. Talk to your doctor and make a list of all the documents and things you would need during your stay in the hospital. The bag should contain all the important things for you as well as for the baby. You can also take a little help from new mothers who have just come back from the hospital after giving birth.

Talk to your doctor about any special requirements that you or your baby may need at the time of delivery and plan accordingly. Make sure your loved ones are around to support you while you continue with your healthy routine and relaxation techniques.


  1. American Pregnancy Association. Pregnancy Week 36. https://americanpregnancy.org/week-by-week/36-weeks-pregnant/
  2. What to Expect. Your Pregnancy Week by Week: Weeks 35-40. https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/week-36.aspx
  3. Healthline. Pregnancy Week by Week: Week 36. https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/36-weeks-pregnant
  4. Mayo Clinic. Pregnancy Week by Week. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/expert-blog/second-trimester/qc-20408051
  5. Verywell Family. Pregnancy Week 36. https://www.verywellfamily.com/your-pregnancy-week-by-week-2758263

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 25, 2023

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