Why Is It Important To Know You Are Pregnant As Soon As Possible?
The first noticeable sign of pregnancy is a missed period; more so in women with a regular menstrual cycle. The average, menstrual cycle is about 24 to 38 days(1) and if you have crossed a few days without the appearance of your period, then it is usually an indication of pregnancy. A pregnancy test helps in confirming your pregnancy, so you can think about the next step.
For someone who doesn’t have regular periods, such as having periods twice a month and sometimes only having mild spotting instead of normal period, then in such cases, you can go for many months without actually having any bleeding at all. The cause of such menstrual cycles could be hormonal birth control. In such cases, it becomes difficult to know if you are pregnant or not, even if you have missed more than one period.
It is important to know if you are pregnant or not as soon as possible as sometimes you might not be ready to be a parent and chances are that you live in a state, which prohibits abortion after 6 weeks. So, you can lose precious days wondering if you are pregnant or not especially with irregular menstrual cycles.
Early Pregnancy Signs: 6 Insightful Indicators Within The First 6 Weeks
Here are some insightful signs of early pregnancy which are six common indicators within the first 6 weeks:
Nausea Can Occur With Or Without Vomiting And Is A Crucial Indicator Of Pregnancy Within The First Six Weeks
The common term, which many have heard in pregnancy, is “morning sickness,” which does not necessarily happen in the morning as pregnancy-related nausea or vomiting can occur at any time of the day. Vomiting need not always accompany morning sickness and it is common to feel just nauseous.
According to a Research done in 2019, about 80% of females experienced nausea in early pregnancy, however, only 35 to 40% had vomiting also.(2) A woman can experience nausea from the very beginning of the pregnancy.
A study done in 2021 consisting of 241 pregnant women showed that pregnancy sickness started from the start of the day of ovulation. About two-thirds of pregnant women in this study experienced symptoms about 11 to 20 days after the occurrence of ovulation. Around 5% of these women had experienced these symptoms much earlier on.
On an average, 94.1% of women had experienced some amount of nausea and vomiting.
As the ovulation occurs in the middle of your cycle, so if a woman has a 28-day cycle, she will start experiencing some amount of nausea at the time she has missed her period.
It is also important to remember that not every pregnant woman experiences nausea in pregnancy. If a woman doesn’t have nausea, then it doesn’t mean that she is not pregnant.
Increased Urination Indicates Pregnancy In The First Six Weeks
Many people associate frequent urination with later on in the pregnancy, however, this sign also occurs in the start of the pregnancy, and can be as early as week 4 of pregnancy where you need to make frequent trips to bathroom to pee.(3) Another insightful sign of early pregnancy is constipation.(4) At the week 4 of pregnancy, along with lot of peeing you can also experience constipation and bloating.
Swollen and Tender Breasts Are Important Early Pregnancy Indicators Within The First 6 Weeks
Changes in the tissue of the chest and breasts start in the early stages of pregnancy itself. Some of the important indicators of pregnancy within the first six weeks are: breast soreness, swelling, sensitivity and tenderness to touch and a feeling of heaviness or fullness.(5) It is also important to remember that tenderness and soreness also occurs with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
If you want to understand the difference, then the veins present in the chest or breast gives a good indication. Any visible blue veins on the breast usually indicate pregnancy. Tingling and aching under the armpits is another indication of pregnancy in the first six weeks.
The color of your areolae also starts to turn darker in early pregnancy.
Changes in Taste and Smell Within the First Six Weeks of Pregnancy
The hormonal changes occurring in early pregnancy also affects senses, such as taste and smell.(6) and symptoms and consist of: aversion to certain smells, such as spices, coffee and smell of detergent; increased sensitivity to certain smells; experiencing a sour or metallic taste in the mouth; increased salivation and an aversion to certain foods, which you enjoyed previously.
Sleepiness and Fatigue Within the First Six Weeks of Pregnancy
Feeling extremely tired and sleepy so much so that you cannot keep your eyes open in the day is one of the initial signs of pregnancy in the first 6 weeks.(5) Also it is to be born in mind that one can also feel tired just before their period. However, if there is absence of period and persistent fatigue, then it is a good indicator of pregnancy and one should take pregnancy test to confirm.
Implantation Bleeding Is a Sign Seen Early In Pregnancy
Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted or embedded in the uterine lining and this usually occurs between 3 and 4 weeks or between 10 and 14 days after the conception has occurred.(7) This is the time where period is expected. One can easily mistake this implantation bleeding for a light period, more so if the regular periods also occur as light and are shorter in length. However there are some ways in which implantation bleeding differs from the usual period:
- There is very less blood, not enough to fill a pad or tampon.
- The implantation bleeding only lasts for a couple of days or even one day.
- Implantation bleeding can be associated with some pelvic cramping or pain or it can also be without any pain.
- The blood from implantation bleeding is usually pink or brown, instead of the bright red color of the periods.
- It is better to take a pregnancy test if you feel your period is lighter than usual.
What To Do If The Pregnancy Test Is Positive?
If you are ready to be a parent and want to continue the pregnancy, then you have to book a prenatal appointment immediately. However, if you do not want to continue the pregnancy, then also you have to contact your health care provider. The timeline for getting an abortion depends on the state you are living in. The options for abortion also depend on the duration of pregnancy:
- Medical abortion can be done up to the 12-week mark. Some states allow getting medical abortion with the help of telehealth services.
- A surgical abortion is needed after 12 weeks.
- Consult healthcare professionals for not only confirming the pregnancy, but also to get more information regarding the options which you have according to the length of your pregnancy.
It is important to pay attention and observe for any changes in your menstrual cycle and your body to help identify the early signs of pregnancy so you can have the option of ending the pregnancy if you want to.
Unwanted pregnancy is always scary and the woman should always be the one to decide if she wants to continue with the pregnancy or not, as it is her body and her choice. No one should force the mother to continue a pregnancy; however, the aim of the abortion restrictions and bans is exactly that.
Our body tells us a lot, only if we pay attention to it. One can learn the early signs of pregnancy by observing the small changes in the body and be prepared for the next steps to be taken.
- https://www.womenshealth.gov/menstrual-cycle/your-menstrual-cycle#3
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6995862/
- https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/your-body/frequent-urination-during-pregnancy_237
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15341717/
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9709-pregnancy-am-i-pregnant
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28334158/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470230/
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