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Do Acne Scars Ever Go Away & What to Do to Get Rid of It?

Overcoming skin acne is a tremendous accomplishment, and can convey a radical new sparkle to your self-assurance. Shockingly, majority of the people are left with unattractive acne scars and dull, red skin that exhibits a new issue. The confidence dragging skin issues seem never ending. Acne scars torments the best of us. Acne scars turn up after that annoying pimple has died down and can stay nearby for a considerable length of time. It does not mean that you cannot get rid of the scar issues.

Do Acne Scars Ever Go Away?

Do Acne Scars Ever Go Away?

There are various suggestions on what makes acne scars disappear. The main accord is that time has a gigantic influence. Skin acne scars are appalling and can be extremely debilitating. However, you do need to be patient and let your skin carry out its job and recuperate itself.

There are individuals who swing to prescriptions and other ways of treating the acne scars to make the scars dissappear. A few people may ponder whether the scarring issue happening with skin breakouts will ever leave and in case that it does, what should conceivably be possible to keep it from repeating. There are two categories of acne scars:

  • Ice pick scars: With spiked edges, ice pick scars are deeper. At times they look like lifted up.
  • Boxcar scars: They are broad, rectangular acne scars with steep edges.

There are various kinds of treatments available to help in blurring those acne scars. Some require more propelled treatment for good riddance.

What to Do to Get Rid of Acne Scars?

In this section, we will suggest you the most effective ways to get rid of acne scars

  • Using retinoids are the best way to get rid of acne scars. Retin-A will be a shallow treatment that assists with skin break out imprints by making your skin cells separate very quickly. It pushes out the cells with the stained pigment.
  • Skin lighteners are another great way to get rid of acne scars. For marks that are in earthy shade, skin lightening products with retinol, hydroquinone, vitamin C, or licorice could offer a cure. They do not fill in for red or pink skin break out scars that are not associated with the skin’s melanin or pigment. These ought to be treated with sun protection. Using a pulse dye laser along with it kills red pigment (hemoglobin).
  • One way to get rid of acne scars is by using steroid injections. If you feel a pimple raising its head, a steroid shot can be applied that day by your dermatologist as the procedure is quick. Cortisone can likewise help thick scars (keloids) seem softer. These treatments are particularly for raised scars.
  • Laser therapy is also efficient in getting rid of acne scars. For serious skin break out, laser treatment will be your most ideal option. The laser redesigns the scarred skin with the goal that it becomes smoother. A few kinds of laser likewise expel the above layer of skin to help level out the presence of scars. Laser treatment more often leaves skin looking red and feeling crude. It will recuperate slowly in many days and stay pinkish for a while as the new skin develops. This is the costliest treatment.

Other Natural Solutions For Acne Scars Are:

  • By making use of potato juice one can get rid of acne scars naturally. The raw potato juice is rich in various supplements that can be used for skin recovery. Just slice the potato and lay them over the skin.
  • Essential oils are also used as natural way to treat acne scars. Try blending essential oils, like, fenugreek, lavender, sandalwood or sage into the coconut oil, olive oil, or apricot kernel oil and you use it as a moisturizer. These oils are known to support the blurring of scars.
  • One effective way to get rid of acne scars is by using apple cider vinegar. This stunning cure contains alpha-hydroxy acid like lemon juice. Specialists say it blurs blemishes on the skin, gives a smooth surface to face and adjust oil creation. Blend one section apple juice vinegar with two sections refined water. Apply to the skin with a cotton ball but use before moisturizing.


  1. “Acne Scars: Causes, Types, and Treatments” – WebMD Link: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/acne/features/acne-scars
  2. “Essential Oils for Scars: What Does the Evidence Say?” – Healthline Link: https://www.healthline.com/health/essential-oils-for-scars

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 19, 2023

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