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Caring Tips For Different Skin Types

Skin is the largest and the most delicate part of your body and needs proper care. Skin type differs from person to person, it is important to take care based on your skin type. Let us understand how to take care of different skin types.

Caring Tips For Different Skin Types

How To Take Care Of Different Skin Types?

Understanding your skin type is the first step towards achieving a healthy and clear skin. Skin type is generally divided into five categories: normal, dry (or dryness prone), oily, combination and sensitive. However, most of us have no idea what are skin type actually is. There may be certain products in your skin care routine that you may be causing your skin to behave a certain way, resulting in you assuming that it’s just how your skin actually is. Hence, in order to understand what your skin type actually is like, you must take a step back from all your skin care products and let it resume its natural qualities. Once you do so, you will be able to see what your skin actually is like.

Know the different skin types and determine where you fall in the skin type spectrum. You can then plan to take care of your skin.

How To Diagnose Your Skin Type?

How To Diagnose Your Skin Type?

Normal Skin Type – Normal skin type refers to well-balanced skin type or healthy skin with an even tone and a healthy glow. Pores are usually, small and not easily visible. However, even people with normal skin type may experience slight oiliness or dryness, which can be easily resolved. Blemishes are rare, but they can pop up occasionally along with breakouts.

Dry Skin Type – Dry skin type is skin that feels tight, looks flaky and lacks moisture. While pores are small, and hence, not easily visible, fine lines and wrinkles may appear quite early due to low elasticity. The skin is supplied with less than normal amounts of sebum, resulting in skin that lacks lipids that are needed to retain moisture, hence appears dull. Aging usually causes dryness of skin.

Oily Skin Type – Oily skin type is the skin that appears shiny due to overproduction of sebum. Pores are large and easily visible. As the pores are quite enlarged, dirt and other impurities may cause blockages. Hence, this type of skin is prone to acne, blackheads and breakouts. This type of skin is characterized by a thicker, pale looking complexion. If you are someone who wears make-up you may find that it does not last long throughout the day and slides off quite easily.

Combination Skin Type – Combination skin type is quite common. Having combination skin type usually means that you have two different skin types. Usually, people with combination skin type have an oily T-zone (forehead, the bridge of the nose, and the chin) and dry cheek area. The oily areas of the face may have enlarged pores, as well as breakouts and blackheads. Often, people with combination skin mistakenly think that they have oily skin because of the oily parts of their face.

Sensitive Skin Type – Any skin type can be sensitive. This type of skin is prone to redness. You may find that your skin reacts quite easily and quickly to harsh weather and make-up. Any type of product can aggravate your skin and develop red patches and give a blotchy appearance.

Caring Tips For Different Skin Types

No matter what type of skin you have, there are a few general rules that everyone should follow. These tips for your skin will help you achieve a healthy, glowing and flawless skin.

  • Stay Hydrated – When you wonder about how to take care of different skin types, drinking plenty of water is the answer. It not only keep your skin healthy and shiny but also helps us flush out harmful toxins from our body, and helps us get rid of impurities naturally. Eat juicy fruits, coconut water and follow a healthy routine.
  • Protect from Sun – Exposing skin to the sun for long can lead to sunburns, tanning and skin aging and even skin cancer. Choose a good sunscreen lotion and reapply it if you remain out in sun for long.
  • Quit Smoking – Avoid smoking cigarettes and tobacco as the harmful chemicals can damage your skin.
  • Sleep Well – Nothing can beat the relief offered by a good night’s sleep. To care of different skin types, have good sleep and practice relaxation.
  • Practice Hygiene – Keep your face clean and avoid touching it with dirty hands. Wash your face with clean water to take care of your skin. Smartphones, computers and other devices are commonly shared among others, which exposes them to various germs. It is important to wipe your screen and such personal devices with alcohol to take care of your skin.
  • Protect Your Skin – Make sure you take off your make-up every day to avoid germs and dirt from settling in. Wash your face or wipe it with cleansing lotion and apply moisturizer to take care of different types of skin.

These are the general tips on how to take care of different skin types and can be followed for all skin types.

How to take care of different skin types, mainly aims at specifying skin care tips based on specific skin types. To understand your skin type, you need to do a patch test to plan your healthy skin routine.

Caring Tips for Normal Skin Type – To take care of normal skin type, it is important to maintain a proper skin care routine to ensure that you continue to have a healthy and glowing skin. Using gentle moisturizer to keep your skin soft and supple. Gentle exfoliators and cleansers are quite beneficial. Look for a cleanser that is water-soluble as well. You may want to opt for a toner that contains ‘antioxidants’, as it may be beneficial for you and act a preventive measure against ageing of the skin. As for sun protection, using an SPF 30 sunscreen will prevent your skin from skin damage with proper use.

Caring Tips for Dry Skin Type – To take care of dry skin type, it is necessary to keep your skin hydrated to prevent flakiness. A moisturizer that is oil-based will prove to be quite useful for you. It may also help, if you have excessively dryness-prone skin type, to reapply your moisturizer throughout the day. You may want to choose toners and exfoliators that are gentle and prevent your skin from drying out further. In cold weather, you may want to add another step of hydration to your skin care routine, like applying a hydrating facial mask. Use a sun protecting cream that also provides you with an extra little bit of moisture.

Caring Tips for Oily Skin Type – For oily skin type, avoid using very harsh products to prevent dehydrated. It is thought that having oily skin means that you do not need a lot of moisture, however, that is not true. Water-based moisturizers, as well as products that have the word non-comedogenic (meaning that it won’t clog pores), are designed especially for oily skin types. You can clean your face with gel-based or liquid products to ensure that you are not adding additional oil to your skin.

Caring Tips for Combination Skin Type – Although it is the most common skin type, it is difficult to find how to care of combination skin type. Individuals with combination skin type usually use two different types of moisturizers for their face. You may want to opt for oil-free moisturizers or change it up as when you feel necessary, or you may want to opt for lightweight products for the oily parts of your face and more hydrating products for the drier areas. Use mild, gentle cleansers and alcohol-free toners for the oily parts of your face. Your main aim is to find products that are neither too harsh nor too mild. Pair your regular moisturizer with a sun protecting cream with at least SPF 15.

Caring Tips for Sensitive Skin Type – For sensitive skin type, it is important to look for products that have a soothing effect and are calming. Products meant for sensitive skin types and hypoallergenic are the best to take care of this skin type. Avoid using harsh cleansers or rough exfoliators as they may cause skin damage. Use lukewarm water to wash and clean your face, nothing too cold or too hot is suitable for this skin type. Try sun protecting creams that have aphelia ingredients. Remember to always do a patch test of products you want to include in your skincare routine.


To understand how to take care of different skin types you must know your skin type. Based on the individual skin types, specific skin care tips can help. A few lifestyle changes may also help to improve your skin health, like changing your eating habits and following a healthy routine. It is advisable to include healthier food options that are not only good for your skin but also for your overall well-being.


  1. American Academy of Dermatology – Dry Skin: Signs and Symptoms Link: https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/a-z/dry-skin-symptoms

  2. Mayo Clinic – Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin Link: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/skin-care/art-20048237

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 30, 2023

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