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Papular Eczema : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Home Remedies, Prevention

What is Papular Eczema?

Papular eczema is presented as itchy red bumps on lighter skin or purple or grey bumps on darker skin. It can occur anywhere on the body and the papules are usually one centimeter in diameter.

Eczema is known to affect more than 30 million people in the United States. (1) Among all types of eczema atopic eczema is the most common. Some people may suffer from both atopic and papular eczema.

Cause of Papular Eczema

Eczema affects different people in different ways. Papular eczema affects people with darker skin or African-American people more.

The exact cause of eczema is not known, but genes are believed to play the role. Those with a family history of asthma or hay fever are more at risk of developing eczema. People with eczema have problems with a gene that creates a protein filaggrin. Filaggrin builds a protective barrier on the top of the skin. A weak barrier leads to moisture getting out and bacteria, viruses, and irritants getting in. This is a reason why people with eczema have dry skin and are more prone to infections.

Eczema is an autoimmune condition. The irritant can trigger the immune system and cause an outbreak. The triggers to the immune system may include:

  • Pollution
  • Laundry
  • Pollen

Avoiding triggers can be helpful for people in preventing the papular eczema flares. (2)

Symptoms of Papular Eczema

The symptoms of papular eczema may vary depending on the way the eczema rash looks. The rashes in papular eczema may have small lumps.

The papules may look similar to pimples without pus and may appear on the torso, arm, or legs. There can be excessive itching on the papular rash.

Other symptoms of papular eczema may be similar to eczema, which include:

Diagnosis and Treatment of Papular Eczema

Papular eczema is diagnosed with a physical examination. The papules have a distinct appearance and are diagnosed by a healthcare provider.

Eczema has no cure and the treatment aims at improving the symptoms. The treatment options depending on the type and severity of the condition include:

  • Over-The-Counter Remedies: These include creams that can be helpful in easing itching and preventing infection.
  • Prescription Products: Sometimes a doctor may recommend products including steroids, PDE4 inhibitors, topical calcineurin, and skin barriers.
  • Phototherapy: It is recommended if a person has severe papular eczema. The procedure involves a machine that emits ultraviolet B light onto the skin, which helps in reducing itching, and inflammation and increasing vitamin D production which in turn helps in fighting illness.
  • Biological Medication: These medications are given by infusion and target the parts of the immune system that cause inflammation.

Home Remedies for Papular Eczema

People with papular eczema have dry skin which is the main cause of flare-ups. Using a moisturizer after every shower helps in preventing dry skin and thereby flare-ups. (3)

There are a few natural and home remedies that can be effective in eczema symptoms and includes the following:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil acts as a moisturizer and reduces the symptoms of skin dryness. Applying virgin or cold-pressed coconut oil can also reduce the staphylococcus bacteria on the skin and reduce the chances of developing an infection.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is known for its antibacterial properties and can be effective in giving relief from many eczema symptoms such as itching.

It can be used fresh from the plant and can also be used in the form of the gel available in many stores.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar balances the skin acidity levels and kills the bacteria on the skin.

It can be helpful in giving relief to the symptoms and also preventing the chances of further infection.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil can be helpful to the skin barrier by retaining moisture. It can be used on the skin two times daily.

However, those allergic to sunflower oil should avoid using it.

How to Prevent Papular Eczema?

  • Preventing papular eczema is not possible, but its flare-ups can be prevented by avoiding exposure to triggers.
  • The first way to prevent a flare-up is to moisturize the skin properly.
  • Secondly avoiding triggers including pollens, pet hair, molds, dandruff, and dust mites
  • Stress and cold weather can also act as triggers for a few and measures can be taken to avoid them

Papular eczema can be a really disturbing condition and can lead to lower self-esteem, anxiety, and stress. Focusing on avoiding triggers and using a moisturizer can be helpful in keeping the symptoms calm.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 16, 2022

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