10 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep
About 8 hours of sleep per day is of paramount importance; anything less than that for a prolonged period of time, qualifies you as a sleep deprived individual and sleep deprivation comes with its own set of problems. Many people fail to get a fair amount of sleep for various reasons. Bearing in mind that your body requires restful repose; these 10 proven sleeping tips for a good night’s sleep listed below should be of great help to achieve the standard 8 hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep. Read further to know more.
Tip #1: Create the Perfect Room Temperature to Induce Sleep
According to research; the ideal temperature for sleeping is within 60 to 68 degree Fahrenheit. It wouldn’t have escaped your attention that warm summer nights prove to be harder when trying to fall asleep, but setting your air conditioning unit to maintain the perfect room temperature definitely increases your chances of uninterrupted sleep for the rest of the night. If you do not own an air conditioning unit; a portable fan directed at you, can help to a large extent for ensure a good night’s sleep.
Tip #2: Sleeping in a Dark Room Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Light can interrupt with the process of allowing you to go to sleep and stay asleep for the rest of the night. Light is a strong stimulus that the brain responds to and cancelling all sources of light can cancel out all distractions. Create the perfect dark room and sleep will be easier to come by and you can have a restful sleep for the whole night.
Tip #3: Cancel Out Blue Light
Blue light is a variation of light that emanates from the sun or a computer screen. If you are looking to fall asleep quickly; all sources of blue light should be eliminated. On the other hand, a red glow neither facilitates nor negatively impacts sleep. So, do remove yourself from laptop screens and smart phones and settle yourself for a good night’s sleep without any distractions.
Tip #4: Keep Away Your Cell Phone
Recent studies have proven that the radiation commonly emitted by cell phones can negatively impact sleep patterns. Waiting for sleep to come while passing the time on your cell phone is counteractive, as cell phone radiation can delay sleep and even interrupt the sleep cycle after you manage to go into rest mode of the sleep. Switching off your cell phone is your best bet to get a good night’s sleep.
Tip #5: Work On Your Cortisol Awakening Response by Spending Time In The Sun
The more alive and awake you feel when you get out of bed determines your level of sleepiness when you are finally ready to retire. Cortisol Awakening Response refers to that first feeling of wakefulness you experience in the morning; and working on it is a priority if you wish to get better sleep at night. One way to do that is to step out into the sun as soon as you wake up. Spending up to ten minutes on your balcony or porch in the morning improves your Cortisol Awakening Response and your night’s sleep is improved subsequently.
Tip #6: Light Reading Before Bed Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Light reading for 15 minutes before bed is a great way to induce sleep. Be careful to avoid literature that might stimulate your mind and cause you to ponder over the contents of the book. Additionally avoid thrillers and mystery novels that may prove to be difficult to put down if you are a voracious reader. Light reading can relax the mind and quiet all the thoughts that keep you awake at night. So reading something which is a tad boring can help you in getting a good night’s sleep.
Tip #7: Invest in Good Sleeping Apparatus
The perfect pillow, sheets, mattress, bed and comforters can all serve to make you feel at home in bed and induce restful, uninterrupted sleep for the rest of the night. All of the above can be expensive but are worthy investments if they facilitate a good night’s sleep.
Tip #8: Set a Routine and Stick To It
Depending on your various obligations during the day time; you probably feel the need to set a routine and lack of sleep is further evidence of this fact. Once you set a routine; stick to it, which means trying your best to get in and out of bed at the same time every day. If you do fail occasionally and go to sleep late; don’t attempt to make up for sleep lost by sleeping in late. It is much better to sleep earlier the following night. So following the same pattern and good sleep habits go a long way to having a good night’s sleep.
Tip #9: Eliminate Sounds To Help You Sleep Through the Night
Beeping cell phones, traffic on the street and other sounds can interfere with your sleep. One way to prevent this is to make your room as quite as possible. Switch off the unnecessary devices, service a noisy fan or air conditioning unit and invest in sound proof window panes. A quite ambiance is highly conducive for a good night’s sleep.
Tip #10: Calm Your Mind to Induce Sleep
Your brain should be ready to rest as much as your body is and one way to ensure this is to take measures to calm your mind. Eliminate thoughts of work, family and other regular existential pressures before you get into bed. A few minutes of meditation and even chanting might help. A warm water bath, chamomile tea or even classical instrumental music might help to let go of stress and quiet down the chatter in your mind which helps in getting a good night’s sleep.
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