Do You Get The Results Of A Colonoscopy Right Away?

Colonoscopy is a test which is performed to examine the inner lines of bowel wall. The name of the procedure is colonoscopy, because the test is conducted with the help of a fine tube like structure known as colonoscope. This tube is slowly inserted inside the rectum of the patient, colonoscope has a small tiny camera attached at the tip, and this camera is then connected with a monitor for reflecting the inner picture of the bowel wall. The procedure is conducted only after giving an appropriate anesthesia to the patient. This is one of the most effective test for detecting bowel cancer, tumor and other defects related to the bowel area. Like any other cancer if bowel cancer is detected at an early stage then the treatment becomes easy and effective.


Before starting the procedure, the patient is given an effective sedative that will enable patient to relax and will also reduce the pain experienced during the test. Patient is then asked to lie down on one side in a way that there rectum is accessible to the doctor. Further, a fine long tube commonly termed as colonoscope is inserted in the body of the patient through the rectum and slowly moved towards the large bowel. At the tip of the tube a minute camera is attached, this camera is connected with a monitor or TV screen. As the tube moves to the different areas of the body the images are clearly seen on the monitor or TV screen.

Do You Get The Results Of A Colonoscopy Right Away?

Do You Get The Results Of A Colonoscopy Right Away?

After the test is complete doctor inform the patient if they have removed any portion of tissue or polyps as sample for examination. If any tissue sample is removed from the body, then patient will receive the result in next 21 days or 3 weeks. Usually three types of results are expected from this test. They are as follows:

Normal: If the report comes normal that means the removed sample of tissue or polyps are not cancerous. In majority of cases test result comes normal. As per a survey report five out of ten colonoscopy test results come normal. However, there are high possibilities that experts may have missed the actual cancerous tissue and also there is no surety that the problem will never develop in the future. Doctors may also suggest undergoing the test again after two-three years.

Polyp: If during colonoscopy a polyp is found and removed from the body for further analysis then this process is known as polypectomy. On an average four out of every ten rest result show presence of a polyp or multiple polyps. Evidences reveal that if these polyps are removed from the body then it can actually prevent development of cancer. After the polyp is removed from the body, patient is clearly informed about whether they suffer from low risk, moderate risk or high risk groups. Patients who are encountered with low risk group are advised undergoing the colonoscopy test after 2 to 3 years and patients who are encountered with moderate and high risk group are advised undergoing the test again in next one or two years. This also depends on the type of polyp found in the body.

Cancer: Cancer is detected in the sample of tissue removed from the body of patient. This is a very rare case, on an average one out of ten people are encountered with this severe problem. Once cancer is detected and confirmed by the doctor, the patient is immediately referred for appropriate treatment. If cancer is identified at a very early stage i.e. at first stage only then there is a high possibility that patient will recover from the problem completely. However, there are different types of colon cancers that are detected from colonoscopy, but only few of them can be effectively treated and not all.

Based on the type of report received, the patients are advised to move ahead with required treatments or steps for ensuring good health.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 17, 2018

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