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Do You Need A Checkup By Your Family Doctor Before Eyelid Surgery?

Normally, before any surgery, you need to undergo some checkups. This ensures your health condition is suitable for the surgery. Similarly, if you are going to get eyelid surgery, it is necessary to make sure that you are ready for it. This article discusses the need for a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery. This will help to prevent some complications, which can make the patient’s condition worse.

Do You Need A Checkup By Your Family Doctor Before Eyelid Surgery?

Do You Need A Check-Up By Your Family Doctor Before Eyelid Surgery?

If you are wondering if you need a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery, you need to understand the surgery and its requirements. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty is a common eyelid correction surgery. It is done by eliminating excessive drooping or sagging skin, muscles and fat pads that accumulate around the eyelid area. This surgery is based on the needs and requirements of the patients.

  • Eyelid surgery can be functional as well as cosmetic.
  • Functional eyelid surgery is executed only and solely due to medical conditions. Patients whose upper eyelids tend to sag due to pressure and who have impaired vision are likely to undergo this surgery. This surgery involves the removal of the excess fat or the loose skin surrounding the eyelid area.
  • Cosmetic eyelid surgery is only carried out to enhance one’s physical appearance. Aging weakens the muscles and the skin around the eyes tends to stretch and become loose and starts sagging. This surgery is then performed to tighten the skin and give a young and youthful look. It can also be performed to remove the puffiness and eye bags around the eyes.
  • It is important to get the tests and checkups are also necessary so that the surgery team knows everything about the patient’s physical condition and may help in preventing any type of complication which may occur after the eyelid surgery like dry or irritated eyes, infection, and bleeding.

A Check-Up By Your Family Doctor Before Eyelid Surgery

Pre-operation check up means the checkup, which is to be done before the operation starts. Ideally, the checkup must be done under a month before surgery. You need a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery so, if you have any medical problem, it can be treated at the earliest. This is to make sure that any existing medical problem does not affect the eyelid surgery and its outcomes.1

You need a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery to discuss previous medical history and health conditions over the years. Follow any specific instructions given and discuss the same with the treating physician. Make sure that all the reports from the doctor’s visit are seen by the surgeon before performing surgery. Visiting an anesthesiologist is also important so that you get the medicines accordingly. If needed, they will adjust the medicines or doses of sedation based on your medical history.

Depending on your medical concerns, you may also have to undergo medical tests before the surgery. A check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery is particularly important to evaluate your risk of complications with special tests.

General tests may include:

There are more tests, which need to be done before getting surgery but it may depend on your health past history, current health problems, age, etc.

Visiting Other Specialists Before Eyelid Surgery

  • While it is necessary to get a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery, the need for a specialist opinion depends on individual health.
  • Visiting hematologist is needed if you have a history of blood clots or a near relative has a history with blood clots.
  • If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you should visit a sleep doctor because ignorance can lead to choking or stop in breathing while operation.
  • Consulting a cardiologist is advised if you have a history with heart problems.
  • A visit to your primary care provider is important as they will provide a review of the reports or tests and will prescribe other tests, which are needed to be done before surgery.

Questions To Ask The Surgeon Before Eyelid Surgery

It is always healthy to ask questions to your physician and the surgeon before eyelid surgery. Apart from a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery, questions related to the doctor, operation or clinic or hospital.

Some of the useful questions are given here.

  • You can ask if the doctor or the surgeon specializes in eyelid surgery or if they deal with any other procedures as well.
  • You can enquire about their areas of expertise and the years of experience. Some may want to ask about the number of surgeries and the success rates of the surgeon in eyelid surgeries.
  • Know the benefits, procedures, and complications of the surgery.
  • You can discuss your expectations from the surgery and also if there are any non-surgical procedures for it.
  • Know the side effects and aftercare of the surgery.
  • Discuss the procedure for treatment after the surgery and the recovery time.

There can be many complications or questions which hover in your mind. Every surgery carries some amount of risk so it is very important to get a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery. It is advisable to find a specialized surgeon and a hospital that specializes in this kind of operation. Queries like cost, hospital facilities, and pre and post-operative care should also be clarified.

Guidelines to Follow Before Eyelid Surgery

The surgeon might advise the patients to the following things before conducting the surgery. The surgeon will discuss your medical conditions, medical history and require several exams prior to this surgery.

A physical health exam will be conducted by the surgeon in order to confirm that the surgery is appropriate for the patient. The surgeon will also conduct a medical exam in order to determine any previous health conditions. Conditions such as glaucoma, dry eye, wet eye, thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, circulatory disease, and diabetes are mostly tested. The surgeon might also want to conduct an eye exam by the ophthalmologist before the surgery. The surgeon would also like to know about any herbal medicines you may have taken, any nutritional supplements or fish oils, etc.

The surgeon will also ask to stop smoking and avoid consumption of alcohol 4 weeks prior to the surgery. The surgeon will advise the patients to avoid medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and may also stop the consumption of certain vitamins before surgery.

Risks of Eyelid Surgery

There are some temporary risks of eyelid surgery. Some possible complications include:

  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia, which are rarely fatal.
  • Surgical risks such as bleeding or infections.
  • Blood clot and temporary or permanent lack of sensation in certain areas.
  • Blurred or impaired vision.
  • Dry, irritated or watery eyes.
  • Swelling in the inner corners of the operated eyelid.
  • Inflammation.
  • Difficulty in closing eyes due to the surgery.
  • A temporary pulling down of the lower lid.
  • Formation of small lumps inside the eyelids which can cause irritation.
  • Itchy scars.

Rarely some people may experience permanent difficulty in moving or closing the eyelids. In case of any such condition, it is best to consult your surgeon or treating physician.

Guidelines to Follow After Eyelid Surgery

It is normal to feel irritation and slight discomfort immediately after the surgery. It is advised to wear something light and comfortable.

Some of the important guidelines to follow after eyelid surgery.

  • Avoid rubbing the eyes for at least 2 weeks after the surgery.
  • Protect eyes from direct sunlight by using high-quality sunglasses for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • Use the cold press to relieve the pain and swelling.
  • Keep the head a little higher than the chest while sleeping.
  • Avoid washing the face or hair or using any kind of makeup or skincare for at least three days after the surgery.
  • Clean the eyelids only with the medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • Use the prescribed eye drops as advised to relieve irritation.
  • Avoid rigorous exercise or any form of yoga or strenuous activities for at least 4 weeks after the surgery.
  • Abstain from any type of sexual activity for at least a week or two after the surgery.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses for about 3 weeks after the surgery.

Home Care For Patients With Eyelid Surgery

Apart from the medical intervention, self-care is equally important for recovery from eyelid surgery. Follow the home care tips given by the surgeon

  • Applying the eye ointment religiously and following the instructions carefully.
  • It is essential to avoid any pressure or trauma to the eyes.
  • For any bleeding or intolerable discomfort immediately report to the doctor.

This surgery is not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding women. People with diabetes, heart disorders, thyroid, circulatory or immune disorders should see a physician for any concerns. A pre-operative check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery plays an important role here. People who have healthy physical and mental health and people who have really huge fat deposits and sagging or drooping eyelids are perfect candidates for this surgery.

There are no medical alternatives to eyelid surgery for the relocation and reshaping the appearance of the eyes. The swelling of the eyelid is often temporary, while you can seek a medical opinion if required. Most of the patients have found satisfactory results in their appearance after the eyelid surgery. It might take several weeks to see visible results but the disappearance of the cut marks might take a year. The results of eyelid surgery are generally permanent but effects may begin to fade as the person begins to age. The patients who have undergone cosmetic eyelid surgery might talk to a counselor.

Thus, you need a check-up by your family doctor before eyelid surgery to improve the surgery outcomes and prevent complications.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 8, 2020

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