How Do You Feel When You Have High Blood Pressure?

High Blood pressure is very big health issue as it fluctuates in very short periods and numerous times each day. It is a high risk for heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

Sometimes this disease of high blood pressure becomes a silent killer, as it has no noticeable symptoms. This disease cannot be recognized at initial moderate stage point, many may remain undiagnosed and untreated. In this disease of high blood pressure, the very first number refers to systolic blood pressure. In this, 90% of patients have higher incidence of memory deficits of older cases. One of the big difficulties in high blood pressure is anxiety and mild emotional stress.

How Do You Feel When You Have High Blood Pressure?

We feel woozy in low blood pressure, we feel alright in normal blood pressure but we are in great risk in high blood pressure. There are many people who get there high blood pressure diagnosed and prescribed medication by faulty reading and on the other hand there are too many people going undiagnosed without regular checkups.

How Do You Feel When You Have High Blood Pressure?

When you suffer from severe high blood pressure you may feel respiratory distress, lethargy, irritability in all the daily routine, seizure, sometimes even nose bleeds, fatigue, blurred eye vision, bell’s palsy which means that one cannot sense the facial muscle of one side of the face , too much of headache.

The major trouble falls in dietary factors of society. The stressful life and delicate human system leads to smooth muscle relaxation and constriction, for example endothelial cells are blunt by the consumption of tobacco and smoking additionally destroys kidney’s filtration abilities as it makes release of fluid and sodium.

What are the Factors Of High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure forms a complex array including, so many factors such as stress, sodium intake, also the genetic factors, too much of environmental pollution, overweight, excess insulin production, and some more nutritional factors. Patients of high blood pressure can be of any size or shape. They can be ostensibly relaxed or overweight and can be very thin. As it is hereditary, few patients can have family histories and rest may not have.

The pregnant women can have greater risk of high blood pressure as compared to the women of the same age, but not pregnant. It is commonly noticed in 4 to 5 percent of pregnant women.

What to Do to Deal with High Blood Pressure?

One should go for a frequent checkup at least once in a year, even if one is not the patient of high blood pressure. However, the high blood pressure diagnosed patient should go for the checkup regularly. This is because; if it is not cured, controlled and treated on time then the artery wall will damage of blood vessel resulting in cardiovascular disease and also in other vital organs.

The extension of damage depends on two factors, one is how severe the hypertension is and the other factor is how long it was untreated.

We feel a huge bunch of complications if we are a patient of high blood pressure some are like stroke, kidney disease or even kidney failure, malfunction of brain or memory loss, metabolic syndrome, aneurysm, heart attack and heart failure, blood clotting in various body parts, thickening and narrow or sometimes torn vessels of eyes.



Treatment and cure of blood pressure is quite easy if we just follow the recommended lifestyle by doctors and that will definitely bring about the changes in body and helps in lowering the blood pressure.

We should be always connected to the doctor or the healthcare professional before making any changes to our lifestyle. Regular exercise up to 60 minutes at least for 5 days lower the pressure by 4 to 9 mmHg and by losing your weight and getting nearer to the ideal weight give a significant impact on your blood pressure and also practice relaxation training for reducing your stress to reduce the high blood pressure.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 17, 2021

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