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6 Useful Vitamins and Supplements for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes itchy, flaky skin lesions that causes flare-ups. Being an auto-immune condition, Psoriasis is also related to inflammation in the body. Hence, diet or lifestyle choices that trigger inflammation can worsen the condition. Studies have shown that dietary intervention and nutritional supplements can be beneficial in managing psoriasis.1 Vitamins and supplements for psoriasis can help reduce the symptoms and improve overall health.

6 Useful Vitamins and Supplements for Psoriasis

Normally the skin cells regenerate, where the cells develop from the inner layers to the outer layers and flake off. In psoriasis, this happens at a faster rate but the cells are unable to shed quickly, hence they start building up on the skin surface. This results in scaly skin and thick, patchy lesions on the skin that causes itching and flaking.

Psoriasis can have an unpredictable course and there can be flare-ups that worsen the condition and then eventually subside. The triggers for psoriasis are not clear but may include dietary, and environmental factors, along with inflammatory conditions, infections, or other drugs that affect the immune system.

The treatment for psoriasis includes medicines and other lifestyle modifications but some vitamins and supplements are believed to help control the symptoms of psoriasis. While no diet can cure psoriasis, some nutritional supplements can be useful. Studies have suggested that the use of oral vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils as vitamins and supplements for psoriasis can be helpful.1 Let us look at some of the vitamins and supplements for psoriasis.

  1. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is not only useful for the bones but also for the skin. Psoriasis increases cell growth, vitamin D is particularly useful as it can help slow down the growth of cells and give them time for repair. Vitamin D is surely one of the best vitamins and supplements for psoriasis. Vitamin D topical ointments are popularly used in the management of psoriasis. Oral intake of vitamin D too can be helpful but over intake can be dangerous, hence it is best taken with medical advice.

    In a study conducted on 30 patients with mild to moderate plaque psoriasis were given a synthetic vitamin D3 analog, in which the patients showed significant improvement as compared to the control group.1

    Several studies have shown greater improvement in psoriasis when given vitamin D oral supplementation. Some studies have also reported the benefit of vitamin D supplementation in the improvement of psoriatic arthritis.1

    A 2015 review concluded that both oral and topical vitamin D therapies are efficiently comparable to corticosteroids when used alone and can be more efficient when used in combination with a potent topical steroid.2

  2. Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is a popular vitamin for healthy skin that helps improve the dryness of the skin. Vitamin A is widely used in topical applications or orally and is also considered useful in the treatment of psoriasis.

    Studies have shown that retinoids are particularly effective in the treatment of pustular and palmoplantar psoriasis. Retinoids can be used in conjunction with ultraviolet therapy, as long-term maintenance therapy.3 Vitamin A is considered one of the important vitamins and supplements for psoriasis as the side effects are usually modest, treatable, and reversible.

  3. Vitamin B Complex

    The Vitamin B complex is essential for various functions including the repair and regeneration of cells. The deficiency of B vitamins can cause various health problems, including skin issues. With the ability to fight inflammation and promote cell growth, the B complex is considered one of the essential vitamins and supplements for psoriasis.

    • Vitamin B12 – A 2017 study concluded that vitamin B12 ointment is a valid therapeutic option for anti-inflammatory topical agents and can be used in the treatment of psoriasis. The topical application may be considered more in sensitive and problematic skin areas like those in the skin folds and the armpits.4

    • Vitamin B7 – A 2016 study showed that deficiency of vitamin B7 (Biotin) can enhance proinflammatory response and the inflammatory pathways are also noted in chronic inflammatory disorders like psoriasis.5 This may explain the reason why biotin supplements are thought to be useful in having healthy skin and supporting healthy cell growth.

    • Vitamin C – A 2020 case study reported a case that showed that nutritional dietary change and supplementation help resolve the patient’s psoriasis by clearing skin patches in six months. It shows that the use of vitamin C in addition to other nutrients proved beneficial in the healing of skin cells. Apart from changes in the diet, supplementation with nutrients included vitamins E, C, B2, and zinc and selenium to reduce oxidative stress, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and biotin, magnesium, and vitamin C for better energy metabolism, folic acid, vitamins A, D, and C, and selenium and copper to promote better immune function and vitamin C, lysine and proline for collagen formation.6

  4. Glucosamine and Chondroitin

    Owing to its ability to promote repair and healing and control the breakdown of cartilage, glucosamine and chondroitin is known to be useful in joint conditions. Psoriasis, sometimes also presents as psoriatic arthritis, in which the joints are involved and show inflammation. Supplementation with glucosamine chondroitin can help relieve the symptoms, particularly in psoriatic arthritis.

    A 2010 study confirms the efficacy and safety of chondroitin sulfate as a symptomatic slow-acting drug in patients with knee osteoarthritis and also improves plantar psoriasis. It was well tolerated and the psoriatic flareups did not increase after the treatment.7

    Some study reports have also concluded that glucosamine can promote the synthesis of keratinocytes and thus provide therapeutic benefit in psoriasis.8

  5. Omega-3-Fatty Acids

    Fish oils are considered to be one of the most promising vitamins and supplements for psoriasis. They work by reducing inflammation and promoting the repair of tissues and cells.

    A study of 40 patients with chronic stable plaque psoriasis showed better clinical improvement of psoriasis when fish oil oral was taken in combination with etretinate as compared to only drug treatment.1 A high consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in some populations is linked to a low incidence of psoriasis.

  6. Aloe

    Aloe, a popular supplement known to improve skin health may also be one of the effective supplements for psoriasis. It offers nutrition and hydration to the skin and is popularly applied locally to prevent skin dryness.

    A study concluded that the topical use of Aloe Vera extract 0.5% in a hydrophilic cream is more effective than the placebo. It did not show side effects and was not toxic, hence it was considered a safe and alternative treatment for psoriasis.9

    These are some of the best-known vitamins and supplements for psoriasis. Their use, dosage, and duration may vary based on individual health hence they are best taken with medical advice.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 15, 2022

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