Breast cancer is 2nd most common cancer in women in The United States. One in every eight women is diagnosed with this condition (1). It is therefore very important to know how to prevent the risk.
Breast cancer develops when the changes occur in the genes that regulate cell growth. Cancer forms in the lobules or the duct of the breast and the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within the breast.
The signs and symptoms of breast cancer are:
- A lump or thickening in the breast which feels different from the surrounding tissue
- Change in shape, size, and appearance of the breast
- Dimpling or changes in the skin over the breast
- Inverted nipple
- Peeling, flaking, or crusting of the area around the nipple
- Redness and pitting of the skin over the breast
9 Tips For A Healthy Breast
Healthy Tips are:
High level of estrogens has been related to certain cancers and also plays a key role in the etiology of breast cancer (1). Fat cells produce estrogen.
Exercising can shrink the size of fat cells which makes the body pump out less estrogen. 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week is recommended to benefit the body.
Dark Chocolate
Nobody needs an excuse, at least to eat chocolate.
Dark chocolate contains catechins and procyanidins, bioactive compounds (2).
These compounds interact with enzymes which cause the cancerous cells to die and leave normal cells alone.
Never Freak Out On A Lump
Do not loose cool if you notice a lump during self-examination. It is good to be aware of it and consult a doctor for the same.
Many times a bump turns out to be a cyst or a fluid-filled sac which can be associated with hormonal fluctuations.
But, in order to be clear head on the same, consult a physician.
Eat Fruits And Vegetables
Eating a variety of fruits and vegetable especially carotene-rich reduce the risk of breast cancer by 19%. Foods like carrots, melon, sweet potatoes, dried apricots, spinach, and sweet red peppers are carotene powerhouse.
Fruits and vegetables rich in carotene serve as antioxidants and lower the risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast tumors. Though estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancers make only 15 percent of all breast cancers, they are hard to treat. If the risk of their occurrence can be reduced, why take a chance.
Avoid Alcohol
Heavy alcohol intake can increase the risk of breast cancer. To reduce it limit the intake to one drink a day.
A study shows moderate alcohol consumption is linked with a 30-50% increase in the risk of breast cancer (3).
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Increase in weight increases estrogen production, which can increase the risk of breast cancer.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising daily, and avoiding processed foods to maintain a healthy weight and reduce breast cancer risk.
Eat Dark Grapes
The skin of grapes has anti-cancer properties. Antioxidant resveratrol found in grapes may protect the cells from damage which could lead to cancer.
This antioxidant has some heart health properties.
Sleep Well
Not sleeping well is of various health hazards. It also increases the risk of breast cancer.
Staying up late at night can suppress the melatonin level. Melatonin is responsible for regulating estrogen.
This gives you another reason to get into bed early.
Go For Screening On Time
Get the breast examined by a gynecologist on a regular basis. This does not mean you should neglect self-examination.
It is just that a specialist can help familiarize you with the look and feel of the monthly shifts of the breast, making it easier to spot the changes.
If having a family history of breast cancer, talk to the physician about the regular mammograms or MRI’s, which need to be performed.