Breast lumps are a common occurrence in breastfeeding women. These lumps are the milk ducts that get blocked or clogged due to various reasons. These may not be noticeable at times, while at others they may be extremely painful and can affect the breastfeeding experience. These blockages prevent the milk flow to the nipples, thus causing the milk to build up and form tender lumps in the breasts.
What Is A Natural Solution for Breast Lumps?
Breast lumps while breastfeeding usually go away on their own and without causing any further problems. However, if they do not, they can be treated with various natural ways, including the following-
Breastfeed Frequently
- Breastfeeding at frequent intervals can stop the build-up of leftover and excess milk in the breasts naturally and, also help in removing the breast lump that is causing the blockage
- It is advisable to start feeding from the affected breast first, if it is not too painful
- This will help in moving the milk through the milk ducts and removing the plug
Positioning Of The Baby
- While breastfeeding, if the position of the baby is such that the baby’s chin is pointing towards the area of the breast lump, it will be helpful in removing the breast lump naturally, as the chin will exert some pressure on the lump thus helping it to get removed.
Breast Massage
- A breast massage before and at the time of breast feeding can help in removing the breast lumps and clearing the clogged milk duct naturally
- This can be done while taking a hot shower
- Gently massage the affected breast from the area just above the breast lump and towards the nipple to drain the milk and remove the clog
Express Any Leftover Milk
- After you are done with the feeding, express any leftover milk very gently to get rid of breast lumps naturally.
- Use a breast pump for this purpose, or simply use your hands for a gentle yet firm massage to express the milk
- If the breasts are excessively full and the baby can’t latch on, in such case expressing some milk before latching the baby helps in giving a good latch to the breast
Warm Compress
- A gentle, warm compression to the breasts can improve the milk flow and may even increase it
- This may help in removing the lump by draining the milk naturally
- Along with these methods to treat the breast lumps or the clogged milk ducts, some preventive strategies can be used as well
Helping The Baby To Latch On Properly
A good latch can help in getting two things done- it will ensure that the baby is getting enough milk as she should and it will also ensure that the breast is getting emptied as much as possible
Emptying The Breasts Completely
- Ensuring that the breasts are as completely emptied as possible, will go a long way in preventing breast lumps due to excessive milk build-up
- This can be achieved by using a breast pump for expressing the leftover milk after a feed, or by simply using the hands to gently yet firmly massage the breasts to bring out any remaining milk
- Breastfeeding frequently and on demand is a good way to make sure that the breasts are being emptied regularly
- Do not hurry to finish a breastfeeding session or switch breasts quickly, to avoid residual milk in the breasts
Keep The Breasts Pressure-Free
- Wearing snug fitting or loose-fitting bras and clothes can help in keeping the breasts away from unnecessary pressure
- Avoid sleeping on the tummy for the very same reason
- The excessive pressure can pinch down the milk ducts resulting in blockage and thereby, lumps
- Breast lumps are a common occurrence during breastfeeding and they are caused due to clogged milk ducts. They usually go away on their own, without causing any problems. However, some of the above methods can be used if they become too bothersome for you to breastfeed comfortably.
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