Peppermint is an herb and it is a mixture of water, mint, and spearmint. It is scientifically known as Mentha x Piperita. Peppermint is from the same family from which mint comes. It is widely used in chewing gums and toothpaste for flavoring and it’s widely used as a mouth freshener to cure bad breath. Peppermint leaf and its oil are widely used in various digestion problems.
Peppermint oil is widely used for treating various types of headaches naturally. Not only for headaches it is also used for nausea, gas, indigestion, menstrual cramps, skin problems, cold, anxiety, and muscle pain. It has been found that peppermint oil is used for curing irritable bowel Syndrome. When applied to the skin directly it gives a cooling effect on the scalp and gently gives calmness and relaxation to the mind. Once you feel dizziness or a headache apply it on the forehead and simply massage it on the scalp. It will soothe your scalp, regulates the blood flow by circulating the blood and removes all the tension.
The distilled constituents of peppermint oil which are derived from the peppermint plant include menthol, cineol, menthone and some other oils. It effectively calms down and relaxes GI smooth muscle.
You can add 2 to 3 drops of peppermint essential oil in your shampoo or conditioner to refresh hair and gives energy and calmness to the mind.
6 Authentic Benefits of Peppermint Oil for Headache
Blood Circulation:
One of the most important benefits of the Peppermint oil is it relaxes the blood vessels and normalize the blood flow and regulates the flow of the blood. Massage it on the skin; it will increase the pulse rate by directly by contacting with olfactory nerve ending. In result, the pulse rate increases the flow of the blood and it will start regulating itself because the oxygen reaches vital organs quickly. That will increase the brain’s functionality and the pain fades away. Not only headache, but a healthy blood circulation is also responsible for curing diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by improving the complications which are associated with poor blood circulation.
Inhibit Muscle Contraction:
Muscle contraction can be due to sprain injury or strain. It may increase because of some unaccustomed activity as lactic acid builds up in the muscle, which makes them sticky and hard to move. Peppermint oil has some natural painkilling abilities, as it has effective antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is associated with respiratory complaints. Massage it on the back, neck or forehead in case of any ache. It will soothe all kind of muscle tension, stiffness, and pain in the muscles.
Mental Relaxation:
Due to menthol peppermint oil has an uplifting energizing scent, which keeps us alert and helps to concentrate. It mitigates the feeling of restlessness and mental fatigue. It will work well by massaging it on the forehead or on the temples, which will remove all the mental stress, gives relaxation to the mind and removes hypertension from the mind.
Nourishment and Hair Growth:
Peppermint oil nourishes the hair and also boosts the hair growth. Peppermint oil is filled with copper which is beneficial for healing the scalp by enlarging the follicles. It is proved to be excellent oil for those who have been through chemotherapy before. Mix few drops of it in the regular shampoo and apply it, it will nourish the scalp too.
Cooling Effect:
It gives a cooling effect to the skin due to 28 to 48 percent of menthol present in it, the coolness gives the numbing effect and remove the pain. It clears the mind and is a stimulant, which helps giving relaxation to the mind.
It Helps in Migraine:
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property, which gives calmness to the nerves and gives a numbing effect, which is one of the biggest reliefs for migraine patients. It works while controlling the blood flow in the whole body and for the better oxygen flow it opens up the sinuses. For better results, apply peppermint oil 15 to 20 minutes after feeling the headache. Apply it on the forehead by simply massaging it on the scalp, temples and on the back of the neck. Avoid using this on children and infants as their skin is more delicate and the menthol present in it may harm them.
Dosage: 0.2 to 0.4 ml thrice a day is an ideal dose for an adult (or prescribed by the doctor).
Some of the very beneficial blends of Peppermint oil for headaches:
- Blend it with the coconut oil and massage it on forehead, shoulders and the backside of the neck, it will circulate the flow of the blood, reduces pain and also removes tension from the mind.
- Mix Peppermint oil with Ethanol and Eucalyptus oil and gently massage it on the forehead and temples it will soothe the muscles and gives relaxing effect to a headache and removes pain.
- Blend peppermint oil with Ethanol it will remove the sensitivity which is caused by a headache.
Peppermint oil also removes pain from the muscles naturally and soothes the skin, regulates the blood flow to the nerves, not only for a headache it is beneficial for Respiratory problems, skin inflammation, Fighting nausea, hair growth and it’s also beneficial for fighting against cancer, but before taking it always prescribe or consult it with a doctor first. As its overdose may harm in many different ways and if it is taken as diabetes and high blood pressure medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using Peppermint oil along with the medication. Peppermint oil and its products should not be given to the children, infants, pregnant women or breastfeeding women. It is available in many different forms, so use it wisely, but always make sure its dosage never exceed its limit.
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