7 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Ginger

Black ginger or Kaempferia parviflora is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the ginger family. Black ginger is used in traditional medicine in Thailand, since ancient times, as a natural testosterone booster. It has traditionally been used as food and folk medicine for several 1000 years in Thailand. Black ginger is also known for increasing energy and also for eliminating gastrointestinal problems. This is available in market in several forms of products, and is known for its tremendous health benefits. Let us know about the black ginger health benefits in the following section of the article.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Ginger

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Ginger

It Can Help Control Psoriasis Flare

As per a research, it is found that black ginger may be beneficial in stopping the psoriasis flare before they start. A natural molecule known as Methoxyluteolin present in Black ginger can block immune cell types called the Mast cells so as to release inflammatory responses.

According to Dr. Theoharides, a researcher at Tufts University, mast cells is a “Universal alarm cell” that initiates an inflammatory cascade that results in psoriasis. Dr. Theoharis mentioned that they can be triggered by infections, allergens, and environmental factors like pollution, or even emotional stress.

These mast cells encourage a series of inflammatory reactions, immune cell activation and release of alpha tumor necrosis factor, pro-inflammatory proteins, or cytokines, which are involved in psoriatic disease.

It Improves Sexual Satisfaction And Erectile Dysfunction 

Results from a new pilot study, published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine, explains that Black ginger may be of benefit in improving sexual satisfaction and performance. It is known that sexual health is important for overall wellbeing. 

There are some drugs that enhance male sexual health, such a Viagra, but many of them come with adverse side effects. However, there are no side effects to black ginger extract. 

It is also found that black ginger supports in improving the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. A study during 2012, conducted in Thailand, found that K. parviflora rhizome extract improved erectile response in older men. So, with this in mind, the researchers evaluated that Black ginger could provide a safe and efficacious non-prescription alternative to more common drugs targeting the sexual health of men.

Black Ginger Extract Reduces Inflammation

Black ginger extract is also known to reduce inflammation. A natural molecule called Luteolin, which is found in artichoke and chamomile, can block mast cells. It is discovered that a different version of Luteolin, known as Methoxyluteolin is found in black ginger; and it is a more potent inhibitor of mast cells. 

Methoxyluteolin and Luteolin can inhibit the ability of mast cells to initiate inflammation, and can also block inflammation when administered before the trigger forms a mast cell into action.

So, people having psoriasis and other skin disorders can try black ginger to obtain its therapeutic effects.

Anti-Aging Effects Of Black Ginger

Black ginger also has anti-aging effects. Some experimental results for the effectiveness of the black ginger extract in the activation of the longevity gene showed that the product had significant anti-aging effect.

Black Ginger is found to inhibit glycolization, or the age related development of disfiguring brown pigments in the skin, which provided additional evidence for an anti-aging benefit.

Beneficial For Diabetics

Another health benefit of Black ginger is that it provides wonderful benefits for diabetics. It is known to reduce the blood glucose levels. For type 2 diabetics and those suffering from obesity, experimental results showing inhibition of fat accumulation and reduction in insulin resistance with black ginger extracts is encouraging. Black ginger can be consumed as a beverage or in hard or soft capsules or in the tablet form.

Black Ginger Improves Energy

One of the most exciting health benefits of black ginger is that it improves energy. It increases the energy production by activating AMPK or AMP-activated protein Kinase. Caffeine does so in a similar way by acutely stimulating AMPK in skeletal muscle and also Nicotine activates AMPK.

Black ginger also activates BAT or Brown Adipose Tissue, which is the “Good” type of fat mass which is thermogenic, abundant in mitochondria and beneficial for energy expenditure.

Black ginger is not only a booster to your body’s metabolism, but it also improves overall energy production, which is essential for muscle endurance and physical performance.

Some Other Health Benefits Of Black Ginger

  • Black ginger has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties.
  • Anti-allergy and antioxidant activity is present in black ginger
  • Black ginger can be beneficial if you have gastric ulcers.
  • Black ginger improves blood flow in a person
  • It is also known as a natural antidepressant.
  • Black ginger can be used for stroke prevention.
  • Used as a traditional Thai treatment, black ginger is known to cure asthma, allergies, gout, diarrhea, impotence, and dysentery.
  • Black ginger can also be used to treat most women’s menstrual problems.


So, from our above description, we are very much clear that black ginger has some real significant health benefits to human beings. However, it must be mentioned that it has mild side effects, such as sweaty armpits and elevated body temperature. It must also be strictly noted that in case you consume high doses of black ginger, you may experience side effects like speeding heartbeat and arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats. So, do not use it in high doses. Ensure that you talk to your doctor, before consuming black ginger.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 7, 2019

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