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Impact Of Not Having The Right Shoes

Shoes can make or break the deal of our overall look. It is not only standards that are revealed, but our footwear also tells a lot about our health. It is important to know how to choose the right footwear and what happens if we don’t. This article discusses choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet.

The right kind of footwear will enable us to have healthy feet and will also keep at bay all kinds of diseases and disorders related to feet. Here is a discussion on some of the health issues people can face.

Choosing the Right Shoes That Don’t Hurt Your Feet

Choosing the Right Shoes That Don’t Hurt Your Feet

Choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet can be a difficult task. There are many ways to look at it but the most important one is to make sure you get the right fit that offers maximum comfort to your foot.

Many people believe that we should buy footwear before starting the day. It is thought so because our feet are in their natural condition, which can help to get the best fit but this seems to be wrong. When we find a pair that fits perfectly it is very difficult to stay in it the whole day. This is because our feet tend to get swollen at the end of the day. So it is advisable to buy footwear when our feet are at its largest. This is when we get the maximum comfort. This is one of the important points when choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet.

Here are a few more points that you need to consider while choosing the right shoes for yourself.

  • It is advisable to measure our feet every time we buy a shoe. This is because different brands and different types of shoes have different sizes.
  • We should check if we can move all our toes inside our shoes. We need some room for our feet to breathe and ensure that they are safe and healthy. This is important when choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet.
  • It is advisable to walk a few steps to make sure that the shoes are comfortable check that your heels are not slipping away from our shoes. If the shoes are loose they will still cause a problem in walking, which you need to consider while choosing the right shoes for yourself.
  • It is a good idea to buy a shoe which is specifically designed for a particular sport. Choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet becomes easy when you are specific about your sport or activity like walking, jogging or playing football.

Impact Of Not Having The Right Shoes

Why choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet is important? Mainly to prevent pain or injuries, maintain your gait and protect your feet and legs. Knowing the impact of not having the right shoes can help you understand this better.

Running or walking the extra mile always takes a toll on the feet. Wearing stiff shoes, high heels and standing for a long-time wearing the wrong shoe can make the foot and leg muscles weak. With imperfectly fitting shoes your feet are prone to cramps, blisters, and pain. However, all these activities are necessary and that they are a part of our daily life. It is okay to have a fetish for trendy footwear, but trends come and go. The most important thing is to stay healthy in the long run.

While choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt have a look at these common ailments that could arise from wearing the wrong footwear.

A Woman’s Aching Feet:

The most common ailment in the majority of the women in this whole wide world is Aching Feet. In a survey conducted by the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS), it was found that nearly three-fourths of the women population suffers some kind of foot pain.1 It was further found that most of them wore shoes smaller than the size of their feet. It is said that shoes that are too right or too loose or feel stuffed or come in weird shapes are the home of immense feet problems. Nearly half of the woman population has had their lesson in foot pain. This is because they either wear heels all the time or wear a shoe that is smaller in size. Imagining to walk and run errands in this footwear is painful in itself. So, it is advisable to wear breathable and comfortable shoes in daily life and keep those 6-inch stilettos for special occasions. It is also found that this problem of aching feet increases with age.

Not Choosing the Right Shoes Can Cause Athlete’s Foot:

On a conflicting note with the name, this disease is not only limited to athletes and long-distance runners. This is a fungal infection that usually begins at the toes. The medical term for this condition is Tinea Pedis. This is common in people with sweaty feet and also who keep their feet confined within the four walls of tight-fitted shoes.

The symptoms include immense itching, burning, scaly red rash, blisters, and undoubtedly pain. This is a contagious disease and these microorganisms thrive in damp and moist and usually spread via contaminated clothes, towels, floors and so on. The risk is higher in men than in women. If you have a rash on your foot, which does not heal on its own, then it’s advisable to visit a doctor. Choosing the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet is also important to protect yourself from such skin infections.

Bunions and Right Shoes:

This is a disorder, which originates in the feet as a big lump at the base of the big toe. It is caused when the base of the big toe is pushed out of its normal position. It can be intolerably painful and inflamed. In this condition, the big toe is slanted and is pressed against the other toes instead of pointing straight. The skin over the bunion is usually sore and red. It is caused by wearing tight, stuffy, and narrow shoes. Wearing these types of footwear can also make an existing bunion worse. It can also be due to any medical condition such as arthritis. This condition is most familiar to a woman rather than a man. It is because of their frequent use of high heels or pointy shoes.

Blisters and Right Shoes:

We all are familiar with the blisters. These are liquid-filled flesh-colored bumps that occur in response to wearing the wrong shoe. Shoes that are too small or too big or rough can cause friction and increase heat pressure in that area. It, in turn, results in irritation and inflammation. As a result, blisters. This condition can be treated and the best way to treat them is to leave them alone. They usually heal after a few days. In case they break or are drained out, it is best to wash it with an antiseptic lotion just to keep bacteria away.

Not Choosing The Right Shoes Can Cause Corns:

Our skin starts building a hard layer of skin on our feet to protect itself from continuous friction. This results in round kernel-like bumps known as corns. They can often be found on the top of our toes or between our toes. They usually occur on the soles of our feet, but if occurred anywhere, they are generally yellowish, thick and flat. These are the different ways in which your skin can get affected, because of which choosing the right shoes is important.

Heel Spurs and Right Shoes:

This is a condition where the plantar fascia ligament running between the heels and the ball of our foot, is inflamed and sored. When the underside of the heel bone faces an unusual growth and later gets calcified, it results in heel sore. It can be caused by flat feet, high arches or intense physical activities. Ill-fitting shoes can also result in this condition. Relative rest combined with generous stretching can get rid of this condition soon enough. This is a condition, which demands to choose the right shoes that don’t hurt your feet.

Metatarsalgia and Right Shoes:

It is usually a painful condition with a stone-like bruise, generally affecting the front part of your foot. Usually, the ball of the foot becomes inflamed and is the most painful. Excessive exercise such as running and jumping can be a result of not wearing the right shoes. Wearing tight-fitting shoes and high heels can also make things worse.

These were some of the painful conditions, which can occur due to wearing the wrong shoes. To avoid injuries and serious medical conditions, it is very important to choose the right kind of shoe. You will feel more active and comfortable if you choose the right footwear according to your activity type and comfort.

What Can Right Shoes Do?

Choosing the right shoes can give you a lot of benefits, some of which are detailed below.

  • The right kind of shoe cushions your feet and protects them from injuries like heel spurs and hammer toes.
  • It provides support to your feet and prevents cramps and pain.
  • It feels comfortable and keeps corns and blisters at bay.
  • The right fit which is ideally 1-1.5cm bigger than your actual size will keep a check on Athlete’s foot, bunions, and any other conditions as such.
  • The right kind of footwear is very essential for a healthy life. Footwear is not just a style statement but also a health statement.


  1. Dunn JE, Felson D. et. al. Prevalence of Foot and Ankle Conditions in a Multiethnic Community Sample of Older Adults. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2004. 159(5):491-8.
  2. https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/159/5/491/92185

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 8, 2020

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