Natural Treatments & Lifestyle Changes for Insomnia That Really Works

Before you go to any local drug store to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) sleep medicines for insomnia, it is recommended to try some natural ways to get rid of the sleep deprivation or Insomnia. Some of these natural medications may help in relaxing the muscles to the core and help you in falling asleep as well.

Sleep well and sleep better. If you find that getting a sound sleep is on the bottom of the list, then you are probably not alone. Despite the recommended sleep course should last for seven to nine hours, every American is able to get about 6 hours of sleep on a daily basis. This can be majorly due to the fact of crazy work schedules and despair. It is always recommended to try the natural treatments of dealing with insomnia as they may come with minimum side effects and help in relaxing the muscles as well.

Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Insomnia

Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Insomnia

Drinking Warm Milk for Better Sleep: You can apply this good old remedy for treating insomnia. Drinking a warm glass of milk before going to bed can actually help in getting a good amount of sleep on a daily basis. Almond milk can help in creating melatonin in the brain that promotes relaxation in an unusual way. A glass of warm milk can guarantee you pleasurable dreams and it can soothe your mind as well.

Magnesium and Calcium for Insomnia: Magnesium and calcium are known for their sleep-boosting properties and when they are taken in combination, it can prove to be more effective. Magnesium can help in alleviating the heart problems that may arise from consuming calcium. Include 600 milligrams of calcium and 200 milligrams of magnesium in your daily course. You can lower the dose of magnesium in your diet if it is causing diarrhea.

Wild Lettuce Herb Supplement: Wild lettuce may not come to you as an element of surprise of you have already suffered from severe headaches, joint and muscle pains and anxiety. It can help in calming restlessness as well as reducing anxiety. It can also help in suppressing restless legs syndrome. When using the supplement of this natural herb, taking a dose of 30 to 120 milligrams can help in a better way.

Hops Flowers for Inducing Sleep: People who are beer lovers may not find hops unfamiliar. These are female flowers used in making beer. It has sleep promoting properties and acts as a mild sedative for alleviating insomnia as well as anxiety. Include 30 to 120 milligrams every night before going to bed.

Aromatherapy for Insomnia: Lavender is the right healer here. Various studies have proved that lavender is not only cheap, but helps in setting your sleepy mood right without any harmful side effects. Find a real lavender spray and use it on your pillow for getting a good night’s sleep. You can also buy a pillow that is filled with lavender.

Melatonin Supplement for Poor Sleep: Melatonin is responsible for regulating the sleep/wake cycle. It often acts as the pacemaker that sets the time for you to stay awake and go to sleep. It can also help in lowering the body temperature as well as cause drowsiness to set the body in sleeping mode.

Insomniacs often research on melatonin and taking its supplements can help in improving sleep in people who are sleep deprived. While this is the case, there are few studies that show no involvement of melatonin in improving the sleep in insomniacs. Melatonin can be beneficial for those who are reporting issues of shift work or jet lag. However, its use is not approved by the FDA and can often have problems with purity aspects. It is advisable to take this supplement only under the supervision of a doctor.

Yoga and Meditation: Choose to do a gentle stretching or yoga as it can keep you energized. Ashtanga yoga can be practiced on a daily basis. You can also try out some basic stretches if you are a new to yoga and then you can meditate by beginning to focus on your breath for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

L-Theanine Supplement: Green tea has an abundance of this amino acid and it boosts mental alertness during the day time. You will also get a good night’s sleep when green tea is consumed on a daily basis. However, green tea does not have that much quantity of L-theanine, which is necessary for boosting the REM cycles. Including 50 to 200 milligrams of its supplement can help in getting a night’s rest.

Positive Effects of Valerian: Valerian is used commonly for treating insomnia. Various studies have been proposed in its favor and suggest that valerian helps in rendering deep sleep as well as aids in improving the sleep quality. It tends to be more effective when consumed for a long time. Most people often feel energized after consuming valerian. If you do not feel energized, you can take 200 to 800 milligrams while going to bed. If you feel energized, take it during the day.

Sleepy-Time Snacks: Taking a combination of carbohydrates and proteins can help in inducing sleep. Eating banana with a dollop of peanut butter or a wheat cracker with a cheesy dip can prove to be beneficial.

Recommended Lifestyle Changes for Fighting Insomnia

You can combat the issues with your sleep by making some following environmental and lifestyle changes.

  1. Relaxing in a Rocking Chair Helps You Get a Good Sleep: It is well known for putting tiny tots to sleep. It closely resembles to a mother’s arm and when rocked back and forth, it can set the mind in deep relaxation. Surprisingly, this trick also works with adults and the person who swaddles on this chair goes into a restorative phase at a faster rate. The gentle swing of the rocking chair stimulates the areas that are necessary for improving sleep. Rather than hitting the bed directly, you can spend some time in the rocking chair and mimic the feeling on bed, which may aid in getting a good night’s rest.
  2. Listen to Soft Music for Better Sleep: If you find it difficult to go to bed, listen to calm and soft music. This can often help you in relaxing and set your mind in relaxation phase. While doing so, just be sure to pick something that is calming and soothes your senses. This can often help you in setting to a deep sleep as well as be in the relaxing state for a long time.
  3. Turn off The TV to Fight Insomnia: Night-time light can interfere with the production of melatonin that can result in social jet lag in some people. This condition makes a person feels that he or she has traveled in various time zones at a particular time. This is why; it is recommended to avoid watching any late night shows as it may not allow the brain to rest.
  4. Switch off All your Electronic Devices to Get Rid of Insomnia: Keeping the devices far from the bed can help in improving the sleep. If you are using any bedroom electronics, replace all the blue lights with the red ones as it aids in better sleep.
  5. Do Not Try Too Hard to Sleep: Specialists recommend leaving your bedroom and indulging in your favorite activity if you do not fall asleep during the first 30 minutes after you lay on the bed. You can go back to your bed later when you experience tiredness from doing few chores.
  6. Avoid Weekend Sleep-Ins: It may seem logical to all but you can fill in all the sleep deprived week days during the weekends. Never rely on the weekend time to compensate for all the hours of sleep that you have lost. You can begin by setting the time at least 15 minutes earlier. You can then keep on setting the time earlier and bring it to your normal sleep time, which would be 7 to 8 hours before you wake up.
  7. Exercise Early: There is no doubt in saying that exercise helps in improving sleep and aids the overall health as well. Certain studies have shown that the time utilized on exercising also helps during the sleeping hours. Indulging in a regular morning exercise for a period of 30 minutes can help in improving the quality of sleep. Body temperature plays an unusual role in promoting sleep. Exercise tends to elevate the body temperature and it takes almost 6 hours to bring down the temperature to normal. As the body needs to be at a cooler temperature, it is necessary for you to cool down before going to sleep.

Keeping Your Bedroom Climate Peaceful For Better Quality Sleep

Your bed room must be a calm place that can relax your mind. Creating clutter in the bedroom can lead to an emotional imbalance, which may further lead to other sleep issues. A serene and organized bedroom can make you feel relaxed. You can try the following things to feel at ease and create the right environment for sleeping.

  • Wear pajamas while going to sleep. This helps in signaling the mind that it is time for bed.
  • Never bring the temperature of your bedroom to too high or too low temperature. Try to maintain it above 72 F or below 54 F.
  • Keep the room dark. Install darker shades in the room and wear eye cover to block all the lights from hitting your eye.
  • Invest in buying a quality mattress. As you spend most of your time on the bed, this investment will not go waste.
  • Use pillows that can help relax your neck and head.
  • You can put forth a white noise machine to filter the sounds that are unwanted. Your brain tends to listen to various sounds while it is asleep.
  • Use breathable linens as it will help in reducing the body odor, sweat & skin irritability. This can often interfere with the sleep and linens will be of great help.

The bouts of insomnia that occur occasionally can be easily handled by using natural remedies. However, they should not be used when you have chronic sleep issues. In case if you are an insomniac and have been suffering from it for more than 3 to 4 weeks, it is advisable to seek medical assistance.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 20, 2019

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