Summer and dates is the best ever relationship that is loved by almost everyone. Either caramelized or dry or fresh, the taste of these drupe fruits is simply awesome. These are one of the tastiest dry fruits with loads of health benefits. Contrary to these fruits’ size, dates are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein. Dates also provide ample energy to your body. The nutrients present in dates are not only beneficial for your health but also for your skin and hair. And the best part of adding dates to your diet is that there is no risk of any side effects rather dates are good for smooth bowel movement and induces nice deep sleep. Let’s have a brief look on the benefits of dates for your hair, skin and body.
How Dates Can Benefit Your Hair?
Consuming Dates Can Give You a Strong Hair
Consuming dates can be beneficial for giving you strong hair in just 3 days. You can also make a paste out of it to apply a mask on your hair and scalp for stronger and healthier hair.
Dates are Beneficial in Giving Your Hair a Shine and Lustre
The essential nutrients especially protein present in dates add the shine and smooth texture to your hair by both internal and external use. You can add dates to your regular diet or simply make a mixture with aloe vera gel extract to apply on your hair to get the benefit of extra shine.
Dates are Beneficial in Strengthening Hair Follicles
Vitamin B5 present in dates, strengthen the hair follicles naturally and significantly. Add 4-5 dates to your daily diet for healthy and strong hair follicles.
Dates Help Keep Scalp Healthy
Dates are not only beneficial for hair and follicles but also keep scalp healthy by reducing flakes and dandruff from the scalp. It is recommended to soak in some fresh dates in warm water over night and wash your scalp and hair with the decoction to get healthy scalp.
Benefits of Dates in Promoting Healthy Hair
Well strong hair and healthy scalp is the ultimate way to get healthy hair with added shine and lustre. The protein and vitamin B5 present in dates are beneficial for getting super healthy and damage free hair.
Dates Help Fights Rough And Damaged Hair
Another benefit of dates is the natural sunscreen for protecting your hair from harmful UV rays. The protein and calcium fights significantly against the rough and damaged hair by adding moisture to the hair roots.
Dates Help Repair Split Ends
Dates are beneficial for repairing rough and brittle hair. It repairs the damaged split ends of hair by adding the essential nutrients required for good health hair. Iron present in dates helps to treat split ends amazingly.
Locks Moisture
Dates can be beneficial moisturising hair follicle naturally. All you need to do is soak some dates in water over night and make a thick paste adding egg whites and apply on scalp and hair for 5 minutes and wash with the decoction followed by regular water to add moisture to your hair.
Benefits of Dates in Fighting Hair Fall
Iron and vitamin C present in dates fight hair fall and prevent further hair loss. It strengthens the hair follicles and hair roots to provide strong hair preventing frequent hair loss.
Promotes Long and Thick Hair
Dates are the rich source of vitamin B and iron that are responsible for promoting long and thick hair. Vitamin C nourishes hair and vitamin B is beneficial for the hair follicles to make hair long, dense and strong.
How Dates Can Benefit Your Skin?
Dates are Beneficial in Providing Healthy Glowing Skin
Vitamin C is always beneficial for skin and dates are a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C nourishes skin deeply by giving healthy glowing skin.
Fights Ageing
Fine lines and wrinkles are easily treated and benefited by dates as they are the good source of vitamin B and vitamin C that stops the ageing process keeping the skin 10 times younger.
Dates Help Repair Damaged Skin Cells
Protein and vitamin B primarily work for repairing the damaged skin cells and tissues. Dates have the beneficial effects on your skin, repairing damaged cells and constructing new healthy cells.
Dates are Beneficial in Fighting Skin Allergies
Antioxidants and protein maintain healthy skin by avoiding various skin allergies. Hence, another benefit of dates is checking skin allergies to breakout all over your body.
Benefits of Dates in Moisturizing the Skin
Dates when prepared for a paste to apply on skin can be natural moisturizer to retain the moisture for a long period of time keeping the skin smooth and supple which is the most essential benefit you can get from drupe fruits.
Dates are Beneficial in Maintaining Skin Elasticity
Rapid ageing process damages the skin elasticity by making skin dull and wrinkled. But vitamin C present in dates is highly beneficial for maintaining skin elasticity fighting ageing naturally.
Fight All Skin Problems
Be it skin allergy, acne, dry and dull skin or tanned skin, the benefits of dates are numerous and can solve all skin problems in one stroke. Applying date mask twice a week can help you to get healthy skin without any skin problems.
Dates Inhibits the Growth of Acne
Dates are good source of antioxidants and protein that fight all skin infections inhibiting the growth and breakout of acne on your skin proving you with healthy natural glowing skin.
Cleanses Skin Pores
Vitamin C is the best element for cleansing and toning your skin. Dates are extremely beneficial for skin pores cleansing and toning.
Rejuvenates and Replenish Skin Cells
Either you consume dates or apply dates on skin directly the antioxidants present in the dates will work in same way for both processes. Antioxidants are beneficial for rejuvenating skin and dates are the source of antioxidants that fight against the damage caused due to free radicals.
How Dates Can Benefit Your Health?
Benefits of Dates in Fighting Constipation
Dates keep your bowel movement smooth and healthy due to the laxative properties present in them. If you’re a constipation patient adding dates to your regular diet can be beneficial for your body especially your motion.
Weight Loss Benefits of Dates
Dates are the best option to lose your body weight and beneficial for maintaining healthy weight throughout your lifespan. Adding 4-5 dates in your daily breakfast can help you to shed some extra pounds.
Benefits of Dates in Getting Rid of Hangover
Vitamin C, protein and antioxidants present in dates can also treat your severe hangover that you get after partying hard. Dates are quite beneficial for your body and brain to get over the hangover to get back to your work easily.
Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Dates
Dates are the miraculous foods for your body as they significantly control high blood pressure by keeping blood sugar levels in balance and your heart super active and healthy. The potassium, protein and antioxidants present in dates are beneficial for cardiovascular health.
Dates are the Energy Booster
You can say, the dates are the small packets with huge benefits. Dates are a great source of energy and protein that instantly boost up your body and metabolism rejuvenating and refilling your energy bar.
Fills Your Body With Antioxidants
The benefits of antioxidants are known well to everyone. Antioxidants strengthen our immunity and protect our body from the damage caused by free radicals and dates are rich in antioxidants.
Bone Health Benefits of Dates
Dates have a decent amount of iron and calcium that are very beneficial for blood and bone health. Your blood remains healthy maintaining a healthy blood flow throughout your body and your bones become stronger and durable due to calcium and potassium present in dates.
Sexual Health Benefits of Dates
Dates have been used as aphrodisiac to boost and enhance sexual stamina in human body. Soaking few dates in goat milk to drink the decoction in the morning can be beneficial for sexual health.
Cholesterol Free
Dates have zero cholesterol and they significantly lower the LDL- low density lipoprotein in your blood by boosting HDL the good cholesterol in your body which is also beneficial for maintaining good heart health.
Great Source of Protein
People who are health conscious can switch to few dates in their morning meal for getting the benefits of protein and fibre from dates which promote fatigue free active body.
Dates have no side effects as they are natural organic foods that promote good health. But it is advisable to consume dates in purely fresh form or dry form because caramelized dates have less benefit and can also increase blood sugar levels in your body increasing the risk of Type II diabetes. It would be wise to consult your doctor before adding dates to your diet for your satisfactory terms.