Rice makes for a wholesome, tasty and filling meal which is why it is widely eaten in almost every corner of the world. Rice is an important part of many ethnic cuisines from different regions of the world and forms an integral part of a staple diet in almost all of Asia. Easy to prepare and easy to consume, rice is eaten on a daily basis by many people around the world. As such; there are many health queries associated with rice.
Why White Rice is Bad for Diabetics?
In most rice eating regions of the world; it is common knowledge that white rice is bad for those afflicted by diabetes, as white rice aggravates diabetes symptoms and may even be life threatening by raising blood sugar levels. As such; brown rice is a common substitute for white rice and is often recommended by doctors as well. Bearing this in mind; it is still reasonable to have queries regarding brown rice and its impact on diabetes and this article aims to answers these queries with accurate and impartial facts. Read further to know more about the affect of brown rice on a diabetic.
Brown Rice for Diabetics
Diabetics are expected to exercise some control in terms of diet and most dietary measures for diabetics put emphasis on reducing fats and calories and eating foods that are high in nutrient content. A diabetes diet also involves regulated meal timings, all foods in moderation and a preference for fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Brown rice is an integral whole grain that features in the diet of many individuals affected by diabetes and it is worth looking into the effects of brown rice on diabetics.
How Does Brown Rice Affect A Diabetic?
Processed foods that are devoid of suffiecient dietary fibers are easily broken down in the body and converted into sugar. It is the exact opposite with whole grains, like brown rice that have rich fiber content. This distinction between processed foods and whole grains, like brown rice, is primarily owing to carbohydrate content in these varying foods. Foods with carbohydrate content are digested and broken down into sugar. The rise in sugar levels triggers the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is an essential hormone that prompts the blood cells to absorb sugar for storage or energy. When the blood cells quickly absorb sugar, the pancreas begins to produce glucagon, which acts as a signal for the liver to release stored sugar. If this process is balanced then blood sugar is at safe levels. If not; blood sugar levels can tend to spike which is a problem for diabetics.
Easily digested processed foods contain carbohydrates that are broken down by the body at an accelerated pace; increasing blood sugar levels and insulin levels quickly. The fibers in whole grains slow down the process of digestion and the breaking down of carbohydrates into sugar and is comparatively much safer for consumption by diabetics. In fact the metabolism of carbohydrate has a significant impact on Type-2 diabetes development; which is caused by an ailing body that cannot process the insulin it produces or just does not produce enough insulin. It is easy to see how eating processed foods like white rice can aggravate the symptoms of diabetes and even worsen the condition; whereas, fiber rich whole grains such as brown rice are relatively safer for consumption by diabetics.
Why is Brown Rice Recommended for Diabetics?
Brown rice happens to be safer for consumption for diabetics owing to the fact that it contains complex carbohydrates, a dietary feature it shares with other whole grains. Complex carbohydrates are composed of sugar molecules characterized by the stringing together in a long and complex chain formation. While both complex and simple carbohydrates are processed to produce sugar in the body; however, the abundance of fibers in the complex carbohydrates slow down the digestion process and largely prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. The fibers in complex carbohydrates makes brown rice more wholesome and one can eat lesser quantities of brown rice and feel full when compared to eating white rice.
So, consumption of brown rice in diabetes means reduced consumption of carbohydrates and some degree of control on blood sugar and insulin levels of diabetics.
Dietary Suggestions for Diabetics Who Eat Brown Rice
Brown rice ultimately does contain carbohydrates that convert to sugar in the body; hence some degree of moderation is best when eating brown rice while on a diabetic diet. The emphasis should be on eating on time and eating reasonable amounts of brown rice that does not lead to spikes in insulin and blood sugar levels. Diabetics should also consider lowering one’s total carbohydrate intake by cancelling out processed foods containing simple carbohydrates, such as white rice and white bread from one’s diet. This is an effective way to enjoy brown rice while having some degree of control over one’s blood sugar and insulin levels.
In conclusion; brown rice does contain carbohydrates that are broken down into sugar in the body. However, when eaten in moderation; brown rice is a far better option than processed foods and white rice in particular.
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