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How Does Kiwi Benefit Skin?

Kiwi is a tiny fruit with tons of heart-helping and immune-boosting nutrients. Kiwi contains vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support skin health.

How Does Kiwi Benefit Skin?

How Does Kiwi Benefit Skin?

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and E. It also contains plant compounds including polyphenols that provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. (1, 2)

Consuming most of these vitamins can help benefit skin health in multiple ways:

Vitamin C: Studies show that vitamin c protects the skin from damage due to UV radiation. It also plays a role in collagen formation and may prevent skin discoloration. (3)

Vitamin E: Vitamin E can protect the skin from damage due to UV radiation and oxidative stress. (4)

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These are the antioxidant which when combined help in reducing dark spots on the skin. They also protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight by increasing the levels of carotenoids. (5)

Polyphenols: Kiwi contains polyphenols from epigallocatechin gallate, which is a flavonoid family. It protects the skin from oxidative stress and also skin cancer. (6)

You may be surprised to know that the peel of kiwi contains more nutrients than its sweet soft pulp. And another truth is its skin is edible. So next time you eat this fruit try grabbing more nutrients by eating the peel as well. (7, 8)

Most of the studies that focus on the nutrient benefits of kiwi fruit are not done by just eating the fruit pulp but the peel as well.

Can Kiwi Be Applied To The Skin?

Kiwi can be crushed and applied to the skin.

Kiwi slices can be placed on the eye to reduce eye puffiness and dark circles.

There is very little scientific evidence that proves that the application of kiwi on the skin can be beneficial. But, there are various skin care creams, serums, and face masks are available in the market that contains kiwifruits, seeds, or extracts as ingredients.

Potential Benefits of Kiwi

The positive effects of kiwi on skin has very few studies supporting it.

In a test-tube study, it was found that kiwi fruit contains polysaccharides that can stimulate the production of keratinocytes skin cells. These cells are the predominant cells present in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. (9)

Another study found kiwi fruit to improve the skin symptoms of eczema. It is a condition that causes itchy red spots on the skin. (10)

Kiwi contains potassium that protects the skin from dryness. Dry skin gets easily damaged and can further lead to skin darkening. Potassium is essential to keep the muscles healthy and firm and skin as well. This helps in preventing sagging and wrinkling.

Still, none of the studies have been done by applying kiwi fruit on the skin. In all the above studies kiwi were consumed by mouth.

The above studies show the kiwi fruit is capable of the following skin benefits:

  • Delays signs of aging.
  • Combats acne.
  • Controls production of excessive sebum.
  • Reduces the appearance of dark circles.
  • Acts as a natural cleanser.

There are nutrients present in kiwi that promotes healthy blood and oxygen circulation. Its nutrients improve the health of blood vessels and keep them from busting and leaking fluids thereby preventing skin darkening.

Other Health Benefits of Kiwi

Apart from the skin beneficial properties, kiwi can be helpful in various other health conditions, which include:

  • Promotes digestion.
  • Boost immunity and prevents disease.
  • Helps in treating asthma.
  • Reduce blood clots.
  • Improves fetal health.
  • Improves vision.

Risks Associated with Kiwi

The most common risk of using kiwi is an allergic reaction.

Those allergic to kiwi can avoid this fruit, should avoiding eating and even applying it. (11)

Rashes and hives are the symptoms that are commonly seen in kiwi allergy. A severe allergic reaction can be life-threatening, therefore, if allergic it is good to just avoid the fruit.

If you notice any unusual symptoms such as swelling, itching, difficulty in breathing after eating this fruit, consult a doctor.

Kiwi contains numerous nutrients and is beneficial to health. It can be eaten for improving the skin as it has many skin-friendly nutrients. Enjoy this fruit along with other fruits and vegetables to ensure a diet with plenty of skin-supporting nutrients.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 1, 2021

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