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Is Yogurt Good For Multiple Sclerosis – What Does Study Say?

Yogurt is one of the most widely used dairy products and is available worldwide. It is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk using yogurt cultures. Yogurt is prepared by utilizing the milk of cattle. The milk used for this purpose can be homogenized or raw. The yogurt is obtained by fermentation of lactic acid producing bacteria which acts on milk proteins giving yogurt. The texture of yogurt depends on the source of milk (buffalo, goats, yaks, mares, etc). It is produced by culturing Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. In a few cultures, other species of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are added to increase its beneficial effects.

Is Yogurt Good For Multiple Sclerosis - What Does Study Say?

Is Yogurt Good For Multiple Sclerosis?

Yogurt is generally good for health and can be used in many combinations. Plain yogurt may not taste good, the commonly available flavors of Yogurt contains sugar or artificial sweeteners. Flavored yogurts of mango, strawberry, vanilla, etc are available. It can also be used with peanut butter, jam, fruits, and granola. Yogurt, as it is obtained from milk, is rich in calcium and few brands of yogurt are fortified with Vitamin D to increase its beneficial effects. Vitamin D fortified Yogurt can be useful in people with multiple sclerosis. There are studies which indicate that multiple sclerosis is linked with Vitamin D. Yogurt is an excellent combination of probiotics, calcium and Vitamin D.(1)

In addition, the probiotics present are good for the GI tract and prevent digestive problems. Few medications, diet changes, and disease condition modify the microbiota having adverse on GI tracts such as bloating, diarrhea, and other uncomfortable symptoms and overall health. Probiotics present in yogurt change the course of bad criteria creating a lively stomach environment.

What Are Studies Saying?

Yogurt is a good low-fat replacement snack supplementing, calcium vitamin and probiotics. It is useful for people with multiple sclerosis and also for overall health. According to a study published in JAMA Neurology (March 2014) Vitamin D has slowed the progression of multiple sclerosis. Doctors advise tests for Vitamin D levels to check for deficiency as the possible cause for multiple sclerosis.

Gut microbes where considered responsible only for maintaining GI health, but recent studies have indicated its crucial role in maintaining the immune system. There are two types of microbes, anti-inflammatory and inflammatory. The multiple sclerosis is as a result of overactivation of the immune system, where the body considers itself as a foreign body. As per research of Harvard associates, probiotics can be helpful in multiple sclerosis. There are studies which indicate bacteria can be helpful in decreasing the severity of multiple sclerosis. There is a difference in the gut microbiota of MS and Non-MS People. In people with multiple sclerosis, they have a number of inflammatory bacteria such as Methanobrevibacter, Akkermansia, and Butyricimonas.

Probiotics are traditionally used for irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and diabetes. A study conducted by Teva Neuroscience Inc. and the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases was aimed at analyzing the microbiota of multiple sclerosis patients followed by the effect of probiotics on the immune system. One of the disease-modifying methods is to improve immune function. Manipulating the immune response in the body can help in having an anti-inflammatory reaction slowing the progression of the disease and managing the symptoms. A number of probiotic strains such as VSL3 or Visbiome are available in the market. Orally taken probiotics have found to be effective in improving multiple sclerosis symptoms.


The easily available and tasty yogurt is rich in probiotics and also calcium. The probiotics act on the immune system and prevent inflammation. The good bacteria improve gut microbiota. Yogurt is fortified with Vitamin D which increases its nutrient value. Vitamin D is good for multiple sclerosis as there have been reports of decreased levels of Vitamin D in patients with multiple sclerosis.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 22, 2020

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