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What Foods Prevent Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps refer to small outgrowths of the mucous membrane in inflamed form and they take place on the sinuses or nose linings. Here, nose linings are small and air-filled nose cavities located inside the face’s bones and across the nasal cavity. These outgrow create breathing difficulties, especially when they grow excessively large or grow by forming a cluster.

Besides this, nasal polyps reduce your smelling sense, as they prevent the air to reach the sensitive areas present in your nose’s roof, which mainly control smell. Along with this, nasal polyps take place with various respiratory conditions, like hay fever, asthma and chronic form of sinusitis. Especially, the problem of nasal polyps is common among people suffering from cystic fibrosis.(1)

What Foods Prevent Nasal Polyps?

What Foods Prevent Nasal Polyps?

In some of the cases, patients suffering from nasal polyps do not require any treatment to cure their problems. Instead, they need to bring a few of the essential changes in their own lifestyle. This means nasal polyps’ patients should make sure to have the following essential foods on a regular basis-

Bioflavonoids/ Flavonoids Or Foods Rich In Quercetin

Bioflavonoids or flavonoids are special types of compounds occurring naturally in plants, while they give vegetables and fruits their vibrant colors as well as protection from insects and microbes. A few of the compounds also contain structural elements to play the role of antioxidants and scavenge varieties of free radicals to contribute to preventing nasal polyps.

Now, if we talk about quercetin, its molecular structure categorizes under one of the abundant flavonoids found in nature and hence, is suitable for scavenging of free radicals. Because of this, by having foods rich in quercetin, you will expect to manage your symptoms related to nasal polyps in a better way. Red and yellow onions, capers, apples, broccoli, lovage, cherries, red grapes, tea, citrus fruits, and red wine are good dietary sources or food items containing quercetin in higher amounts. Along with this, you should include a few of the common berries in your diet to avail the benefits of quercetin, like raspberry, cranberry, and lingonberry.(1)

Fats Rich Omega-3 Acids

Consumption of fats rich in Omega-3 type of fatty seeds helps a lot to cure the problem of nasal polyps. Common food items under this category include walnuts, flaxseeds, and soybeans. In addition, you may try a variety of coldwater fish, such as halibut, cod, and salmon.

Foods With High Amount Of Vitamin A

Along with boosting your eye health, Vitamin A has a prime role to protect the membrane linings of a person’s sinuses. Moreover, it is an excellent potent antioxidant to combat the chronic type of inflammation. Food sources with a high amount of Vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, spinach, sweet red pepper, sweet potato, and tomato juice.(1)

Foods With High Amount Of Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is mainly present in varieties of green vegetables, orange or yellow veggies and fruits, like carrots, spinach, winter squash, sweet potatoes, melon, mango, and dried potatoes. These food items contain anti-oxidant properties to fight with various symptoms and complications related to nasal polyps.

Intake Foods Rich in Both Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Activated oxygen molecules i.e. free radicals have a close link to various tissue damages caused in nasal polyposis. Vitamin C is a potent type of antioxidant, as it protects your body from damages caused due to free radicals. Studies have revealed that vitamin C consumed in high levels helps in reducing the release of histamine in an individual’s body and thereby, results in the faster breakdown of the histamine. Other than this, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant to help in dealing with nasal polyps.(1)

Enhance Your Water Intake

Last, but not the least, water has a major role to make the mucous membrane moist and in turn, to keep all sorts of harmful allergens out.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 9, 2019

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