What To Eat When You Have Anderson’s Disease?

For those patients with Anderson-Fabry disease who have gastrointestinal problems, episodes of vomiting and diarrhea are exhausting and debilitating and impede a normal life.

What To Eat When You Have Anderson’s Disease?

The following is a list of foods that, according to their nutritional properties, favor these functions:

Coconut Water / Barley / Rice:

These are liquids rich in starch and quite thick that help reduce excess water in the intestine. This starch forms a viscous substance similar to gelatin that fixes excess water avoiding osmotic diarrhea, that is, that which is produced by high passage of water from the bloodstream into the intestines.


To restore proper bacterial balance in the intestine and stop diarrhea, it is necessary to provide the intestinal tract with more friendly bacteria. A totally natural way to do it is through fermented and probiotic foods.

Home-made sauerkraut:

Other fermented foods healthy for intestinal function are homemade sauerkraut. It provides one of the widest varieties of beneficial bacteria that are known to protect against all types of intestinal problems, such as diarrhea.

Fenugreek seeds:

Due to its mucilages content, which is a plant compound that cross the water molecules and prevent passage through the intestinal mucosa, they are excellent for cases of diarrhea.

Chamomile tea:

Chamomile tea is very useful to control the spastic pains frequently associated with diarrhea. Chamomile has soothing and astringent properties and helps to repair and reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar can be used to help cure diarrhea. The main mechanism of action is its potent antibacterial and antifungal action. By reducing the PH of the digestive tract, the environment becomes very unfavorable for bacterial growth.

White rice:

These grains of rice contain granules of starch with a component called amylose that is easier to digest by the enzymes of the digestive tract, which makes it a food apt to be consumed in situations of diarrhea.

Bananas or plantain:

Diarrhea causes loss of electrolytes, including potassium. The mentioned foods have the highest potassium content.

Green tea:

In general, it is recommended to drink green tea daily, as it can soothe stomach pains and reduce the severity and duration of diarrhea.


Carrots contain so-called pectins, a type of soluble fiber that adds bulk to the stool and soothes the digestive tract. The “pectate” is an over-the-counter antidiarrheal drug that contains pectin.


Both the skin and the pulp of the apple is rich in pectin, the main reason why apples are one of the best foods for diarrhea.


The berries work well against diarrhea, as they are rich in tannins and pectin.

The seeds of Psyllium:

Psyllium seeds are a rich source of mucilage and are easy to take dissolved in water or juice. Psyllium seeds are suitable both in diarrhea and in the management of constipation.

Garlic, onions and leeks

The consumption of known foods with probiotics (non-digestible compounds that stimulate the growth of “good” bacteria in the digestive tract) can be useful in the prevention of diarrhea.


The seeds of the pomegranate contain a powerful astringent and sweet juice that helps unite the cells of the intestines and prevents the passage of water into the intestinal lumen.

Steamed or boiled chicken

Boiled or steamed chicken meat is an excellent source of high biological value proteins that are denatured by heat. This allows the intestinal mucosa to be restored. In addition, being denatured, these proteins are easier to digest avoiding excessive secretion of digestive juices.


Like potatoes, pumpkin contains starch, but in a way that is more easily assimilated by the body. In addition, the insoluble fiber content is relatively low, so it will not cause mechanical irritation of the intestine.


As for everyone else, it is very important that these patients eat well to stay healthy. A balanced diet must necessarily include all groups of nutrients in the following proportions: 6 daily servings of complex carbohydrates; 5 servings of fruits or vegetables; 2 servings of milk or yogurt (or, soy milk enriched with calcium); 2 servings of protein, and 15 to 25 grams of fats and oils.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 24, 2018

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