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7 Remedies To Treat Psoriasis at Home

Psoriasis is a medical condition that does not have a clearly identified cause. Psoriasis is characterized by inflammation caused by the immune system, leading to inflammation throughout the body. This becomes visible in the form of raised plaques and scales on the skin. Psoriasis is defined as a recurring autoimmune disease, and it is marked by the appearance of red, flaky plaques or patches on the skin. Even though the effects of psoriasis are visible on your skin, it actually starts deep inside the body in the immune system. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are various treatments and medications that help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis. Here are some ways to treat psoriasis at home.

7 Remedies To Treat Psoriasis at Home

7 Remedies To Treat Psoriasis at Home

1. Watch Your Diet

Diet is known to have a huge role to play when it comes to managing autoimmune disorders like psoriasis.(1,2) Your diet has to focus on eliminating red meat, refined sugars, saturated fats, alcohol, and carbohydrates.(3) This may help a great deal in decreasing the occurrence of psoriasis flare-ups that are triggered by such types of foods.(4,5)

To manage the symptoms of psoriasis and reduce inflammation, you should include nuts and seeds, cold-water fish, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Olive oil is also known to have beneficial soothing effects if you apply it to your skin. You can try massaging two-three tablespoons on your scalps to help get rid of troublesome plaques just before you take a shower.

2. Lukewarm Bath with Epsom Salt

After applying olive oil, a good idea is to soak your body in a lukewarm bath. You can add Epsom salt, olive oil, milk, or any mineral oil in the water to get relief from the itching. These useful items will also infiltrate the plaques and scales. However, remember not to soak in a hot water bath as this might irritate the skin even further.(6)

After taking a bath, immediately moisturize so that you can trap the moisture in the skin and avail double benefits from your bath.

3. Take Your Supplements

Taking dietary supplements can help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis from the inside. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, there are certain nutritional supplements that can help ease mild to moderate symptoms of psoriasis.(7) These include:

  • Vitamin D
  • Milk thistle
  • Fish oil
  • Oregon grape
  • Aloe vera
  • Evening primrose oil

However, it is essential that you only consume these supplements after consulting your doctor. It is necessary to ensure that these supplements do not interact with your ongoing medications or with any other health conditions you may have.

4. Keep Your Skin Moist and Prevent Dryness

It is important that you avoid dry skin. You can use moisturizers for sensitive skin that are specially formulated and tested on skin conditions such as psoriasis. These moisturizers can help keep your skin soft and supple. This helps prevent the formation of plaques and scales.

You can also use a humidifier in your home or office to add moisture to the air. This also helps prevent dry skin from developing.(8)

5. Get Some Ultraviolet Rays

Ultraviolet light has been shown to help slow down the growth of skin cells that is triggered by psoriasis. Light therapy uses ultraviolet light at the doctor’s clinic under supervision. The affected skin is exposed to ultraviolet light to help slow down the progression of the disease. However, if you want to avail light therapy, then keep in mind that it will require you to undergo consistent and several sessions at the clinic. You need to take your overall health into consideration and think about whether you will be able to attend the frequent sessions.

It is also essential to keep in mind that tanning beds are not the same as light therapy. You also need to avoid too much exposure to sunlight, as in some cases, it can worsen psoriasis.

Remember that light therapy sessions should only be performed at a doctor’s clinic and under the direct supervision of your doctor.(9)

6. Quit Smoking and Avoid Alcohol

Smoking not only serves as a trigger for a flare-up, but it also increases the risk of developing psoriasis. If you have psoriasis, then smoking or regular exposure to secondhand smoke can worsen your symptoms.(10,11,12)

At the same time, alcohol is also a known trigger in people with psoriasis. In fact, a study in 2015 discovered that there is a dramatically higher risk of psoriasis in women who drink non-light beer. Women who drank at least five non-light beers every week were found to have two times the likelihood of developing psoriasis as compared to those who did not drink non-light beers.(13)

7. Try using Turmeric

There are many types of herbal remedies that are used to treat skin conditions, such as psoriasis. Turmeric is one such beneficial herb that has been found to reduce the flare-ups of psoriasis. You can take turmeric in the form of a supplement, or you can even include it while cooking your food. Turmeric is also approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and according to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the approved dosage is between 1.5 to 3.0 grams per day.(14) It is not recommended that you start taking turmeric without consulting your doctor.


There is no single magical remedy to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis or to avoid a flare-up. Furthermore, what works for one person might not work for another. Some of the prescribed treatments are also known to cause adverse reactions or side effects for other pre-existing conditions you may be having apart from psoriasis. It is important to remember that while the above-mentioned home remedies can help treat mild to moderate cases of psoriasis, they may not be effective in more severe cases. You should also never begin any home remedy or natural treatment without consulting your doctor. Always consult your doctor before you start any home remedy. Remember, that following a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy can go a long way in controlling your flare-ups and give relief from the symptoms of psoriasis.


  1. Duarte, G., Barbosa, L.O. and Rosa, M.E.A., 2012. The management of psoriasis through diet. Psoriasis: Targets and therapy, 2, pp.45-53.
  2. Douglass, J.M., 1980. Psoriasis and diet. Western Journal of Medicine, 133(5), p.450.
  3. Pona, A., Haidari, W., Kolli, S.S. and Feldman, S.R., 2019. Diet and psoriasis. Dermatology online journal, 25(2).
  4. Wolters, M., 2005. Diet and psoriasis: experimental data and clinical evidence. British Journal of Dermatology, 153(4), pp.706-714.
  5. Debbaneh, M., Millsop, J.W., Bhatia, B.K., Koo, J. and Liao, W., 2014. Diet and psoriasis, part I: Impact of weight loss interventions. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 71(1), pp.133-140.
  6. Boreham, D.R., Gasmann, H.C. and Mitchel, R.E.J., 1995. Water bath hyperthermia is a simple therapy for psoriasis and also stimulates skin tanning in response to sunlight. International journal of hyperthermia, 11(6), pp.745-754.
  7. Psoriasis.org. 2020. National Psoriasis Foundation. [online] Available at: <https://www.psoriasis.org/treating-psoriasis/complementary-and-alternative/herbal-remedies> [Accessed 14 August 2020].
  8. Pagano, J.O., 2008. Healing psoriasis: the natural alternative. John Wiley & Sons.
  9. Stern, R.S., 2007. Psoralen and ultraviolet a light therapy for psoriasis. New England Journal of Medicine, 357(7), pp.682-690.
  10. Armstrong, A.W., Harskamp, C.T., Dhillon, J.S. and Armstrong, E.J., 2014. Psoriasis and smoking: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. British journal of dermatology, 170(2), pp.304-314.
  11. Naldi, L., Peli, L. and Parazzini, F., 1999. Association of early-stage psoriasis with smoking and male alcohol consumption: evidence from an Italian case-control study. Archives of Dermatology, 135(12), pp.1479-1484.
  12. Mills, C.M., Srivastava, E.D., Harvey, I.M., Swift, G.L., Newcombe, R.G., Holt, P.J.A. and Rhodes, J., 1992. Smoking habits in psoriasis: a case control study. British Journal of Dermatology, 127(1), pp.18-21.
  13. Zou, L., Lonne-Rahm, S.B., Helander, A., Stokkeland, K., Franck, J. and Nordlind, K., 2015. Alcohol intake measured by phosphatidylethanol in blood and the lifetime drinking history interview are correlated with the extent of psoriasis. Dermatology, 230(4), pp.375-380.
  14. Psoriasis.org. 2020. National Psoriasis Foundation. [online] Available at: <https://www.psoriasis.org/integrative-approaches-to-care/> [Accessed 14 August 2020].
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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 2, 2021

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