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Does Vinegar Kill Fungus & What Are The Other Ways?

Fungus represents a broad category of multi-cellular organisms that contain a protein known as chitin in their walls. There is an estimated 2.2 to 3.8 million fungi species, and although most fungus species are harmless, some of them can cause serious infections in humans. There are many ways of combating fungal growth, including using various types of vinegar that kills the fungus. [3] Vinegar has acidic properties, which makes it possible for it to kill various microbes. Nonetheless, due to its acidic properties, it can do more harm than good on skin, especially if one has a wound, graze or cut.

Does Vinegar Kill Fungus?

Does Vinegar Kill Fungus?

Vinegar contains acetic acid, and this particular compound makes it acidic enough to kill microorganism such as bacteria and fungus. Vinegar kills fungus by modifying the pH levels on the skin hence killing unwanted growths. In some cases of fungal infections, such as toenail fungus, the fungus forms a protective coating, thus preventing the immune system from killing it. Needless say, it can become drug resistant, meaning even though you follow your medical prescription, there is no improvement on your condition.

To effectively kill fungus using vinegar you can treat affected areas with pure apple cider vinegar. Alternatively, you can make vinegar soak bath and add hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, or olive oil. Repeat the vinegar treatment procedure at least twice a day until your symptoms of fungal infection have subsided. It is advisable that before applying any home remedies for toenail fungus, you should clean the affected toenails well and trim them so that the vinegar solution can easily get deeper into the nail and kill any fungus present. Another treatment method you can consider is doing a vinegar sock soak. All you have to do is put on a pair of cotton socks and then pour the vinegar and some water over the socks. Let the socks stay on for about 10-15 minutes and after removing them, you can apply any tropical antifungal cream or ointment. [3] [5] [6]

Other Ways Of Killing Fungus

Use of vinegar to kill fungus is a home remedy that can treat mild to moderate cases of fungal infections such as toenail fungus. While it may work for some individuals, for others it is not an effective treatment. Therefore, other ways of treating the fungus may be of essence. For instance, you can visit a doctor for medical prescription, and in addition to that, you can observe proper hygiene. For one, letting your feet dry properly before putting on socks or shoes can help stop growth of fungus on your toes. In addition to that, wear socks and shoes that allow your feet to breathe and do not provide a moist, warm environment where fungus can thrive.

If any fungal infection gets worse, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Toenail fungus for example is characterized by discolored nails, brittleness, thickening, loosening or lifting of the nail as well as loss of shine and luster on the nail surface. In cases of worsened symptoms, you can ask for stronger treatments such as oral antifungal drugs or antifungal ointments/cream. Also, you can apply medicated nail polish at least once a weak, and keep on applying the polish until the fungal infection is gone. [6]

Fungus, plural fungi, is a eukaryotic organism. That is, its cells contain membrane-bound organelles and clearly defined nuclei. Types of fungus include; mushrooms, yeast, molds, and mildews. Fungi are widely distributed across the globe and have various environmental and medical benefits. [1] They live in soil, plants, water, air, and some naturally live in the human body. Despite the aforementioned benefits of fungus, there are a few fungi which are harmful and can cause fungal infections on a human skin.

Common fungal infections include; athlete’s foot, ringworms, yeast infection, jock itch, and onychomycosis (toenail fungus). Fungal infections are common in humans, and often develop in individuals with a weakened immune system. [2]


Any type of vinegar can kill fungus because it contains acetic acid, which is also believed to have antifungal properties. Generally speaking, vinegar has impressive medicinal properties which are beneficial in treating toe and fingernail fungal infections. [3] Needless say, in cases where the fungus has formed a protective coating resistant to drugs or immune system healing, vinegar can easily get rid of the coating and promote healing. If your fungal infection seems to worsen overtime regardless of using vinegar, make sure you visit a doctor for more advice on curing the infection.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 15, 2019

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