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What is the Deadliest STD?

STD or sexually transmitted diseases spread through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. A few of the bacteria also possess the ability to pass through skin contact, use of contaminated sex toys, by sharing injected drugs, and body piercing. While a few of them are curable, many forms of STD have no medicine. Moreover, many of the diseases show no sign of the symptoms, which makes it difficult to find the presence of the disease in the beginning stage. It is the primary reason behind why there are many cases each year.

What is the Deadliest STD?

What is the Deadliest STD?

There exists not one, but different format of sexually transmitted diseases that are deadly. In addition, a few of the curable infections if left untreated turn violent and develop severe health problems that lead to death.

The following paragraphs provide you information related to the deadliest STDs. Make sure to remember all of them and symptoms (if any) to ensure that you head for a sexual health clinic to screen for STDs. The early the screening the better are the options to find treatment for the same.


HIV tops the chart as the deadliest STD. Human Immunodeficiency Virus leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), which is incurable. It results in damage to the entire immune system, which leads to death.


Although syphilis is curable when detected in the initial stage, if left untreated, it leads to death. Syphilis attacks an individual in stages. The first stage starts with sores. They disappear on their own. The second stage causes rashes and continue to remain for months before subsiding automatically. After ten years or more, the individual suffers from neurological problems, heart problems, blindness, and leads to death. Screening at least once a year will help an individual to identify the condition in the initial stage and head for the treatment.


Gonorrhea is common among the younger generation. It spreads through anal, vaginal, and oral sex. It causes rectal, genital, and throat infections. Not attending to the disease develops into severe complications in both the genders. In women, the disease develops to pelvic inflammatory disease that creates infertility. In men, the infection causes pain in the testicles and epididymitis that leads to infertility. As there are no visible symptoms, finding its presence in the initial stage becomes difficult. Therefore, taking the screening test for the same helps in identifying the same. The results obtained will be helpful in chalking a treatment plan that helps prevent the escalation of the condition.


Hepatitis B and C are sexually transmitted diseases and affects the functionality of the liver. If neglected, the disease leads to death. The transmission of the bacteria that causes the condition is similar to that of the HIV virus. The spread of the bacteria occurs through blood and body fluids. Therefore, it is easy to acquire the disease when having unprotected sex. The primary symptoms of the infection are nausea, fever, sickness, and dark colored urine. The infection then spreads and becomes chronic with no visible effects. In severe circumstances, hepatitis develops to cirrhosis and causes liver cancer.


Chlamydia is the common sexually transmitted disease and goes unnoticed widely when compared with others. As there are no signs of the infection, it develops silently and creates serious complications that lead to death over a period. The disease is widespread in women than men. If left untreated, chlamydia causes pelvic inflammatory disease as in the case of gonorrhea. In fact, both gonorrhea and chlamydia occur together.


Preventing an STD is possible by practicing safe sex and maintaining a monogamous relationship. Switching partner or having multiple partners creates a vulnerable situation.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 12, 2024

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