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Is Osgood Schlatter A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?

Osgood Schlatter disease refers to the condition, which causes swelling and pain below your knee joints, where patellar tendon remains attached to the top area of shinbone i.e. tibia. Doctors call this spot as tibial tuberosity. Also, you may experience inflammation in the patellar tendon that stretches on your kneecap. Osgood Schlatter disease is common in children and young athletes, who usually participate in activities or sports, which need running and jumping excessively.(1)

Is Osgood Schlatter A Serious Condition?

According To The Prevalence: According to the research study conducted on the disease of Osgood Schlatter, the problem has affected about 21% of adolescents involved in athletic activities. On the other side, you will find a frequency of about 4.5% in other nonathletic individuals belonging to the same age group. Along with this, another study revealed that the problem of Osgood Schlatter affected about 13% of total athletes.(3)

According To Complications: Whether the disease of Osgood Schlatter is serious or not depends on its complications, which include the following-

  • Growth disturbance i.e. immature skeletal
  • Unsighted scars
  • Poor cosmesis
  • Peri incision type of numbness
  • Surgical wound-related infection or dehiscence

However, the positive thing is that complications associated with Osgood Schlatter are uncommon. Hence, if they take place, they are localized swelling or chronic form of pain. Even you succeed to overcome the symptoms; bony bumps may stay on your shinbone i.e. beneath the kneecap. The bump persists to some extent during the entire life of a child but it often does not interfere with regular knee functions. On the other side, the disease of Osgood Schlatter may lead to pulling away of the growth plate from the child’s shinbone.(4)(5)

Whether Osgood Schlatter Disease Is Reversible Or Not?

In most of the cases, the disease of Osgood Schlatter and its related symptoms go away whenever a child stops its growth. This is approximately for about 6 months to 24 months after a child starts experiences symptoms. In this situation, the affected child requires rest or switch to alternative activities, which should not cause any inflammation or pain to knees. However, the child often experiences a bump even when his or her pain relieve completely. In this situation, doctors may recommend various strengthening and stretching exercises to help in quick healing of the knee. Alternatively, doctors recommend using a special type of padded brace to safeguard the affected area i.e. shinbone.(6)

Symptoms Of Osgood Schlatter

Osgood Schlatter disease involves a few of the common symptoms i.e.

  • Mild to severe form of leg or knee pain
  • Tenderness, swelling and increasing in warm below your knees and on the shinbones
  • Pain, which becomes worse with any of the highly intensive activities and physical exercises
  • Limping after doing any type of physical activity

The severity of symptoms varies highly among individuals. A few of the individuals experience a mild form of pain at the time of doing certain activities. On the other side, a few other people experience consistent and debilitating pain, which makes doing physical activities too much difficult. The discomfort and pain may last for only a few weeks to many years. The symptoms related to Osgood Schlatter disease often go away once a child completes his or her adolescence growth spurt.(2)


Based on the mentioned facts about complications and other statistics, we should say that Osgood Schlatter disease is not a dangerous one. Moreover, the problem in most of the cases is reversible, as Osgood Schlatter goes away by doing certain stretching and straightening exercises, along with applying other relevant pain-relieving techniques.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 1, 2020

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