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When Can A Person With OCD Live A Normal Life?

The consequences of OCD can inflict chaos on a person’s life. The obsessions and compulsions can burn up many hours in an individual’s time, which intrudes on family life and public events. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is a real stress ailment influencing 2.1 million adults in the United States and differs in seriousness.

Movies and TV episodes often depict individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as a positive trait and personality quirk people. The lasting consequences of OCD commonly develop due to the poor quality of life that most severe patients have.

Maybe you or an adored family member have been identified with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and ponder what this may mean for the balance of your life.

When Can A Person With OCD Live A Normal Life?

When Can A Person With OCD Live A Normal Life?

People living with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience several detrimental effects and a devastating impact on their life due to their condition. OCD is a treatable condition, however, conditions that are overlooked or left as a blind eye have some severe consequences.

World Health Organization (WHO) states OCD can be so debilitating and disabling hence regarded as the top ten of the most disabling illnesses of any kind with reduced quality of life. It disrupts education, employment, career development and having a better relationship with friends.

According to ANU Research School of Psychology, Professor Michael Kyrios says, In order to cope with that distress, what people do is they act out strategies to either get rid of the intrusions that they’re experiencing or to minimize the threat that they see.

Like any prolonged illness, dealing with your OCD needs attention on day-to-day coping rather than on an eventual therapy.1,2

There are a few things you need to be aware of to overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This includes

  • OCD Is Severe- Although this is a long-lasting disorder without any potential cure, yet it must be treated to control the ailment.
  • Doubt & Guilt- Hallmarks Of OCD- These are two main features of OCD unless you understand these hallmark characteristics, you cannot understand OCD.
  • Cognitive And Behavioral Therapy- Since OCD is a genetic disorder, usual therapy doesn’t yield expected results. But researchers state that cognitive and behavioral therapy are the best form of treatment to recover and tend to sustain compulsions.
  • Medication Can Help But Doesn’t Provide A Complete Cure- It is an obvious nature of humans to look for an immediate solution, so they often seek magical medicinal bullet to take away their symptoms. Even though medicines can help and provide relief, they are not a cure nor help you recover from anxiety and obsession.3,4

Break Bigger Challenges/Stress Into Smaller Worries

When you are faced with a big problem, it helps if you break the stress down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Perhaps, this is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress because the longer you escape from it, the more stressed out it’s going to make you think, and the larger the difficulty will turn out to be.

Seek Guidance And Aid When Conditions Are Unmanageable

If you feel OCD is ruling your life, seek assistance from support groups and affiliates in addition to a mental health professional. Psychiatric care specialists are trained professionals who can suggest effective treatments. Precise mental health drugs can help manage the obsessions and compulsions of OCD. Antidepressants approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) treat OCD for adults and kids older than 10 years of age.

Besides, there are several support groups for OCD and related disorders around the world. They are non-profit organizations that are run entirely by dedicated volunteers.5

To conclude, it is imperative to take responsibility for your own mental wellbeing needs as well as those of your cherished ones.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 8, 2020

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