What Happens If You Have Magnesium Deficiency?

Magnesium is one of the most important elements that our body requires for staying healthy. It is called the “master mineral” because of its active role in about 300 metabolic processes that take place in the body. A lack of magnesium can lead to a number of health troubles, the symptoms of which are often not unique to magnesium deficiency. Hence, they are either misdiagnosed or undiagnosed and ignored by many.

In contrary, the fact is that magnesium deficiency or lack of magnesium is a very common instance, found in about 68% of the entire population. To be specific, every 2 out of 3 people suffer from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it.

About Magnesium Deficiency and Its Symptoms

1.7 to 2.3 mg/dL is the usual or normal range of magnesium in the blood serum. Less than this is considered as deficiency of magnesium. Through a Serum Magnesium Test, the magnesium level can be determined.

Magnesium deficiency can cause a number of symptoms in the body. These include both the physical symptoms and the symptoms of various diseases.

  • Physical Signs or Classic “Clinical” Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms: The classic magnesium deficiency symptoms include the physiological symptoms and the symptoms that are caused by the imbalance of potassium, calcium and other minerals, as an impact of magnesium deficiency.
  • Latent Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency or “Sub-clinical” Symptoms: These are the hidden or underlying symptoms of certain diseases that are caused by magnesium deficiency. Since these symptoms are quite similar with those of certain other diseases that have no association with magnesium deficiency, they are often misdiagnosed and left untreated.

What Happens If You Have Magnesium Deficiency?

What Happens If You Have Magnesium Deficiency?

There are a number of things, which one experiences when one has magnesium deficiency. These are as follows:

  • Impacts of Magnesium Deficiency on Muscles
  • Impacts of Magnesium Deficiency on Neurological Conditions: Magnesium deficiency can also cause various neurological conditions like –
    • Lethargy, Low Energy and Chronic Fatigue: In the formation of ATP or adenosine triphosphate energy in the cells, magnesium plays a crucial role. To be active, the ATP or energy needs to bind with the magnesium ions. Deficiency of magnesium prohibits the ATP formation and hence, one feels lethargic.
    • Insomnia: Magnesium is considered to be an extremely relaxing mineral. It helps a person in getting restful sleep. With magnesium deficiency, it is quite likely that one would not get restful sleep and feel insomniac.
    • Psychological Disturbances: As magnesium is a very important mineral that takes active role in various psychological functions, deficiency of the mineral causes anxiety, irritability, behavioral disturbance, impaired cognitive function, depression and even impairs the memory.
    • Seizures.
    • Vertigo.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomiting.
    • Anorexia or loss of appetite.
  • Impacts of Magnesium Deficiency on Cardiovascular Conditions: Cardiovascular conditions like the following can occur in case of magnesium deficiency.
  • Impact of Magnesium Deficiency on Other Physiological Conditions:
    • Osteoporosis Due to Magnesium Deficiency: Vitamin D requires magnesium to turn on the process of calcium absorption. When there is a lack of magnesium, the process of calcium absorption becomes impaired and this is the reason, why osteoporosis, poor bone development and decay of teeth, fractures and slow healing of broken bones take place.
    • Type II Diabetes: Magnesium is the main factor behind insulin resistance and that is why, it leads to diabetes.
    • Asthma.
    • Hyperglycemia.
    • Stomach cramping.
    • Arterial calcification.
    • Morning sickness.
    • Cold hand and feet.
    • Epilepsy.
    • ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
    • Migraine.
    • Angina or chest pain.
    • Cluster headaches.
    • Hormonal changes.

These are the common impacts of magnesium deficiency that are often not taken seriously and gradually they lead towards fatal conditions. Hence, if these symptoms are clinically diagnosed, it is a must that a Serum Magnesium Test is run. This will diagnose the magnesium level and thereby, treatment can be approached. Usually, proper magnesium rich diet is recommended to overcome the deficiency and properly supply the required magnesium. However, in case the deficiency is serious and diet alone cannot fulfill the requirement, magnesium supplement is recommended.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 22, 2022

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