How Effective is Cipro & What are its Side Effects?

It is not recommended to use Cipro if one has a muscle disorder. Seek to advise from the doctor if you have issues related to muscles. Using Cipro along with tizanidine is also not recommended.

How Effective is Cipro?

How Effective is Cipro?

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) is an antibiotic which effectively fights bacteria if present in the body. The drug is used for the treatment of various types of bacterial infections. Cipro is also used for the treatment of people exposed to anthrax or certain categories of plague.

This genre of antibiotics can cause serious side effects. Cipro should be used to treat infections which cannot be treated with other safe antibiotics.

The antibiotic drug Cipro causes side effects of swelling, it causes tearing of the tendons. Those who are over 60, taking steroid medications, or if an individual has had a heart, kidney or lung transplant, the drug can be harmful.

For sudden pain, bruising, swelling, stiffness, tenderness or movement problems in your joints stop taking Cipro and call the doctor immediately. The joint needs to be rested unless you get proper medical care.

The Procedures of Taking Cipro

Cipro is mostly taken after every 12 hours. If you are prescribed Cipro then follow the directions on the prescription label. It is advised not to take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts. It is also harmful to take Cipro for a period longer than recommended.

The medicine should be taken with water. Cipro has an adverse effect on the kidneys and therefore drink extra fluids so that the kidneys function properly.

Cipro can be taken with or without any food. It is good to take the drug at the same time each day.

If Cipro is available in liquid form then shake it for at least 15 seconds. There are special dose-measuring spoons to measure the liquid. If you do not have any dose-measuring device, ask the pharmacist for one. Do not give the oral suspension of the medicine through a feeding tube.

For extended-release tablets of Cipro, do not chew, crush, or break. Instead, swallow it whole.

The Cipro medicine should be used for the full prescribed length of time. By taking the medicine, a patient’s symptoms may improve before the infection is cured. Skipping the doses may enhance the risk of other infections which are resistant to antibiotics. Cipro does not treat a viral infection like common cold or flu.

The medicine should not be shared with another person.

It is recommended to store Cipro at room temperature away from heat and moisture. Prevent the liquid medicine of Cipro from freezing. Dispose of any unused liquid after fourteen days.

The Things to Avoid While Taking Cipro

Avoid taking Cipro with dairy products like yogurt, milk, or with calcium-fortified juice. These products can be consumed as part of a regular meal, but it is better to avoid them when taking Cipro. These products can reduce the effectiveness of Cipro.

Within 6 hours before or 2 hours after you taking the drug, avoid taking the following medicines. These drugs can reduce the effectiveness of Cipro if they are taken at the more or less simultaneously:

  • Antacids containing aluminum or magnesium (such as Mylanta, Maalox, or Rolaids). The ulcer medicine sucralfate (Carafate) is also one of them.
  • Chewable tablets or didanosine (Videx) powder.
  • Lanthanum Carbonate (Fosrenol) and phosphate binder like sevelamer (Renagel).
  • Mineral or vitamin supplements containing iron, calcium or zinc.

Caffeine to be avoided while taking Cipro, it is because Cipro can enhance the effects of caffeine.

The drug Cipro may impair thinking. If you drive or do anything requiring being alert then better be careful.

Antibiotic medicines cause diarrhea, it is a sign of a new infection in the body. For Diarrhea that is bloody or watery, seek advice from your doctor. Avoid using anti-diarrhea medicine unless or until the doctor tells you to.

Avoid getting exposed to sunlight. Cipro can easily cause sunburn. Protective clothing to be used, when you go outdoors use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher). Seek the advice of a registered medical practitioner in case of redness, severe burning, rash, itching or swelling after being out in the sun.

What are the Side Effects of Cipro?

Cipro may cause multiple side effects. Allergies like hives, skin rash; difficult breathing; fast heartbeat, inflammation of your face, tongue, lips, or throat are some of the side effects of Cipro. If this is the thing then immediately contact the doctor.

Ciprofloxacin causes swelling or rupturing of tendons. It can have serious effects on the patient’s nerves it may cause nerve damage permanently. Stop using Cipro if you have the following conditions:

  • Severe pain in the stomach, diarrhea, bloody or watery
  • Headache with chest pain and severe dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats
  • Pain or weakness in the muscle
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Signs of rupture in the tendon – sudden pain, bruising, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, movement problems;
  • Nerve symptoms – weakness, numbness, burning, pain, tingling or being sensitive to light touch, temperature;
  • Changes in the behavior or mood – confusion, depression, paranoia, hallucinations, tremors, feeling anxious or restless, unusual thoughts or behavior, nightmares, insomnia;
  • Liver problems – loss of appetite, upper stomach pain, clay-colored stools, dark urine, jaundice.
  • Enhanced pressure within the skull – ringing in the ears, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes and vision problem
  • Severe skin reaction – skin pain, purple skin rash, blistering and peeling of the skin.

Other common Cipro side effects include the following; vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, rash and abnormal liver.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 27, 2017

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